Interesting and Humour - page 3976

You can't blame the mirror if...Soviet education was the best in the world.)

It was, but only up to a certain point.

And then the socialist competition among schools and teachers ruined that very education.

What interest is there in a teacher putting... ...better said not to inflate a student's grade if it depends on getting a bonus and the honorary title of "Winner of Socialist Competition".

Tell me, which one of you has seen a repeater? And what year was that?

I know only one person on this forum who can say with certainty that there was a repeater in his class, or that someone from his class repeated a grade... And in our class, one character managed, not even due to illness, to repeat first grade.

And I see every day in the mirror a character who had five F's a year and a B in maths at the end of 8th grade. You think he got a sophomore year? Wrong. They made him pass the exams and go to the vocational school, but don't mess up our scores.

That's the rate at which the Soviet school was degrading.

Alas, alas, alas...


Judging by the posts of some characters, they are completely unable to understand what a very educated, highly educated Kurginyan is saying. And if they don't understand, it means nonsense, and also to pin a tag on them and exhaust the discussion with this tag.

If about the video of Kurginyan.

The man says bluntly that in the West (where for some of our generation of the 90's all truth), there is no concept of "contemporary art". This is ours, homegrown, bred on the plebeian soil of worship before the west and offensive to western "artists" notion. All these Western coryphaei develop anti-art, they are proud of it, because only in this case they belong to the Western mainstream, which is ANTIGUMAINISM. This anti-humanism includes everything spiritual that exists in human society, not only art.

Malevich began by placing his painting in the place of an icon. From this, it automatically follows that he and all his followers deny the basis of human relations: the existence of good and evil. Today good is the law and evil is not legal. Morality has disappeared.

But that is for those who are educated enough to understand the letter and meaning of what Kurginyan says.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Judging by the posts of some characters, they are completely unable to understand what a very educated, highly educated Kurginyan is saying. And if they don't understand, it means nonsense, and also to pin a tag on them and exhaust the discussion with this tag.

If about the video of Kurginyan.

The man says bluntly that in the West (where for some of our generation of the 90's all truth), there is no concept of "contemporary art". This is ours, homegrown, bred on the plebeian soil of worship before the west and offensive to western "artists" notion. All these Western coryphaei develop anti art, they are proud of it, because only in this case they belong to the Western mainstream, which is ANTIGUMANISM. This anti-humanism encompasses everything spiritual that exists in human society, not only art.

Malevich began by placing his painting in the place of an icon. From this, it automatically follows that he and all his followers deny the basis of human relations: the existence of good and evil. Today good is the law and evil is not legal. Morality has disappeared.

But this is for those who are educated enough to understand the letter and meaning of what Kurginyan says.

Oh yes, of course, here is one SanSanych expert of the arts. And who is this Kurginyan even the Internet does not know.


It's like saying "the grass used to be greener"...

with the obligatory scolding of the new and the pompous praise of the old...

like the grandfathers in the village hall scolding the youth...

just like their grandfathers did in their time...

nothing changes )))))


Oh yes, and with an emphasis on morality, of course...

it's remarkable that those who talk about morality are usually incapable of proving their own...

it's like talking about sainthood - empty...


I don't get the humour about Kurginyan - he seems to be a theatre director and a political figure...

I go to Serebrennikov's page (Серебренников,_Кирилл_Семёнович) and I see that he is indeed a director - a huge list of plays, scripts and clips.

And I go to Kurginyan's page (Кургинян,_Сергей_Ервандович#.D0.A2.D0.B2.D0.BE.D1.80.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.BE) and I see several books on near-political topics. Who is he anyway?


Oh yes, and with an emphasis on morality, of course...

it's remarkable that those who talk about morality are usually incapable of proving their own...

it's like talking about sainthood - empty...

That's morality after the collapse of the Soviet Union and brainwashing by the West...

Alexey Viktorov:

It was, but only up to a certain point.

And then the socialist competition among schools and teachers has very much spoiled this very education.

What interest is there in a teacher putting... ...better said not to inflate a student's grade if it depends on getting a bonus and the honorary title of "Winner of Socialist Competition".

Tell me, which one of you has seen a repeater? And what year was that?

That's an oversimplified understanding of Soviet education.

Education is a reflection of the aims of the society in which it exists.

Under socialism the target setting was human development. Therefore a person was taught principles, foundations, theories. It would seem that this was done to the detriment of the practical value of knowledge. But it was easy to train and retrain them.

Western education and its counterpart implemented in our country is a market, where education is an investment with a payback period, a value of income... That is why they teach a person to tighten the screws and he does it brilliantly. And such a pupil has never heard of screws - you have to teach them again, not finish them off. The Soviet school taught threads, but in order for a person to screw something in, they had to be taught again.

This is the fundamental difference between Soviet and Western (market) education. And it was impossible to corrupt Soviet education in any way. People came out of school with systematic, well-balanced knowledge.

Soviet education survived for more than 20 years and only thanks to purposeful efforts from the very top, through a knee-jerk approach at the moment it has been possible to get rid of it almost completely. Now out of the schools comes a labour force, a commodity, with a tag around its neck and everyone striving to increase its market capitalisation. But it has nothing to do with education.


God forbid a person has to retrain from nuts to screws after 40, or quite prohibitively after 50. One is almost always thrown out of life. Superfluous. Into the rubbish bin.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

So much for morality after the collapse of the Union, and the brainwashing of the West

Oh yes, of course - that's better:

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Here's the morality after the collapse of the Union, and the brainwashing of the West

As if there was no such thing in the Union? But in general the post-Soviet period is a period of decline, you can't argue with that...