Interesting and Humour - page 3649

Dad and his son are walking through the zoo. Suddenly his son shouts: "Daddy, look - traders!!!" and points to a cage with gorillas.
Dad: Why?
Son: Hairy, unshaven and a blister on their arse.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Why? QIWI anonymous transfers someone to a payment system, e.g. unistream.

The payer information is not verified. The payer does not match the recipient.

And they don't care they are in R3.

Visa QIWI Wallet
 Группа QIWI объявляет о присоединении к международному консорциуму финансовых инноваций R3 для совместной разработки и применению технологий распределенных реестров на мировых финансовых рынках. В качестве члена R3, QIWI присоединяется более чем к 60 ведущим финансовым институтам*, объединенных в целях создания глобальных финансовых...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Let Milonov think.
Milonov thinks??? This is nonsense!

In the US, a passenger was "designated" as an extra and dragged off an overcrowded plane >>>

... No volunteers were available, so airline staff chose a random passenger. A doctor who refused to leave the plane explained that he had to go to hospital. Airport security guards were called in to help, who forcibly dragged the man from the plane and did not stop even when he lost consciousness.
В США пассажира "назначили" лишним и выволокли из переполненного самолета
В США пассажира "назначили" лишним и выволокли из переполненного самолета
МОСКВА, 10 апр — РИА Новости. В сети появилось видео, как охранники одного из американских аэропортов волоком вытаскивают из самолета "лишнего" пассажира рейса Чигако-Луисвилл авиакомпании United Airlines. Как написала в Facebook очевидец инцидента Одра Д. Бриджес, перевозчик продал больше билетов, чем было мест в салоне. United Airlines...

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov has introduced in parliament a bill "On the legal regulation of social networks". According to the author, it will be a new federal law regulating communication on the Internet.

According to Milonov's initiative, children under 14 will not be able to use social networks "regardless of their citizenship". Registration on the social networks will be based on an identity card that identifies the user's age.

Users will not be able to register on social networks under false names. In addition, Milonov proposes to prohibit the distribution of screenshots of correspondence on social networks without the permission of those who participated in it.

There is no cure for this clown MP

I wonder how legitimate this is

The passenger has already sued and has enough money from the airline for the rest of his life

The passenger has already sued and has enough money from the airline for the rest of his life
you got an excuse?
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
Is there a pruf?

From reliable, secret sources (internet and social media).

But there is a photo of this money (don't look ruble)