Interesting and Humour - page 3634


"Man and woman are too different..." (Armand Lanoux -French writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt).

Haven't visited the "Interesting and humorous" thread in a month... Tired of reading... Couldn't get through it all...

I couldn't resist posting.

SpaceX первой в истории повторно запустила ракету в космос
SpaceX первой в истории повторно запустила ракету в космос
Компания SpaceX первой в истории использовала одну ракету для двух запусков в космос. 31 марта она доставила на орбиту спутник для компании из Люксембурга

We shall see. Probably just another blah blah. But who knows.

Scientists have proven that most of the universe doesn't exist


A fob is something that allows you to lose all your keys at once.
A budget is a mathematical proof of suspicion.
Vegetarianism is eating animals.
Courtesy is not only sending, but also seeing off.
Everything is when a second date appears under the portrait.
Uranium fission is bullshit compared to money fission.
Money is starting to run out, then it stops starting.
Cheap is free for money.
A diplomat is someone who has twice
Natural selection is taking money from your husband after your paycheck.
A woman is a weak defenceless being who cannot be saved from.
An animal is not an animal like a man.
An intellectual is a man who thinks better of people than they do of him.
To execute is to finance from the state treasury.
Communism is proof of the benefits of capitalism from the reverse.
The computer is a drug (fast addiction, frequent withdrawal).
The brain is the organ by which we think what we think...
Prayer is the nerve to think that God is doing something wrong.
A man's malaise is when he doesn't harass women.
A tax collector is someone who comes to the rescue.
A hired hand is someone who gets hired all the time.
Indescribability is a baobab for a dog.
A vegetable garden is the soil in which a man becomes a cancer.
Experience is what one gets without getting what one wanted.
A turnip is a head after a sauna.
Flatfootedness is an occupational disease
of programmers(accompanied by lop-sidedness).
A professional is the same dilettante, but already knows where he will make a mistake.
Russian is what turns into a report without a mat.
Sugar is what gives an unpleasant taste to coffee if it is not put there.
Superconductivity is when you overcome resistance without tension.
An insurance agent is a person who wishes us good after evil.
A bachelor is a man who has failed to find a wife.
Enteritis is inflammation of the finger that occurs when you frequently press the "Enter" key.

А вы запускали бумажные кораблики? 8 схем, которые вернут вас в детство
А вы запускали бумажные кораблики? 8 схем, которые вернут вас в детство
Как же здорово было вырвать листок из тетради и сделать из него бумажный кораблик. Потом найти подходящую лужу, да побольше, и запустить гигантскую лодку! Дуть на нее, чтобы обойти соперников. Вот это настоящая радость! 1. Классический кораблик 1. Возьмите прямоугольный лист бумаги (рис. 1). 2. Сложите его пополам. Загните верхние углы под...