Interesting and Humour - page 3588

5 глупых SEO-ошибок, которые допускают даже профессионалы
5 глупых SEO-ошибок, которые допускают даже профессионалы
  • 2017.02.10
  • Сергей Грибняк
По мере того, как комплексный интернет-маркетинг прочно закрепился на Олимпе онлайн-продвижения, поисковая оптимизация несколько отошла на задний план. Зачем тратить время на ключевые слова, теги и ссылки (все эти технические штуки), если есть платная реклама, соцсети и контент? Несмотря на пренебрежительное к нему отношение, SEO все еще играет...
Russia 24 news, once again doing a story on forex and scammers

Aleksey Semenov:
Russia 24 news, they did a story on forex and scammers again

A classic of the genre... because of such offices many people associate forex with "mmm"... something like that)


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Profit by Collective Deposit Volume

smart_man, 2017.02.12 21:45

No kidding. Let's say there are 100 people willing to "risk" $1000 each (proportions may be different). What prevents them from pooling funds (a total of $100 000) on one deposit (although you can probably make a distributed EA, then the account may not be physically one, but logically one), and then stupidly make the same trade, like in a casino, increasing bet to repel all the losses until it works in profit, for example, open sell until it works (but you can use another algorithm, but without market analysis at all)? What technical, brokerage, organizational and other obstacles may occur? Just, the idea is so obvious and it is hard to comprehend that people are still not doing it. At least there are a few hundred or maybe thousands of regular people sitting on this forum, what's stopping them? You can right here to make some estimates calculations, you just need to understand what to include in the calculations.