Interesting and Humour - page 3550

Aleksey Levashov:
I think it's the opposite, women are looking for smart, handsome, with a flat and a car etc., no?
I disagree.

The concept of "salary size"

To start with, Russia and the US have different concepts of "salary", or wages.
In the US, the employee pays more taxes on his or her salary, and the salary is shown before they are deducted. In Russia, only income tax is deducted from an employee's salary.

For example, the phrase "you will receive $60,000 a year" means a very different amount of money given out in the two countries. This has a strong influence on the perception of both the size of the salary and the taxes on it.

Let's imagine the situation: the employer has a wage budget and it equals 100 pennies. In America it is American, in Russia it is Russian. What amount is declared as the salary? What taxes are deducted from it?


On the employer's side, the taxes paid are:

  • Social Security (6.2% of salary)
  • Medicare (1.45% of salary)
  • State Unemployment Tax (2.7% of pay)

"The excess salary is taxed at 10.35%. Of the available 100 cents, $9.38 is used for taxes, leaving $90.62 for payroll.

Salary is reported as: $90.62

Upon payment of wages, taxes are also withheld from the employee:

  • Social Security (6.2% of salary)
  • Medicare (1.45% of salary)
  • Federal Income Tax (18% of earnings)

Before payroll is due this 25.65% ($23.24) is deducted from $90.62 to leave $67.38.

Paid to worker: $67.38

In Russia

Paid by employer:

  • Pension Fund, insurance part (26% of salary)
  • Pension Fund (5.1% of salary)
  • Social Security Fund (2.9% of salary)

All in all, an employer in Russia pays about 34% more in taxes "above the salary".
From the initial 100 rubles, taxes will be 25.38 rubles, leaving 74.62 rubles for wages.

Salary: 74.62 roubles

When the salary is paid, taxes due by the employee are withheld from the salary:

  • Federal income tax (13% of salary)

We deduct 9.70 roubles of income tax from the salary, leaving 64.92 roubles

Paid to the employee: 64.92 rubles

As you can see, taxes are very different and accrued in different ways.

But it turns out that they are "eaten" about equally - both in Russia and in America, with the American worker even a little more money left over.

Note that the American worker thinks that his salary equals $90.62, while the Russian worker only knows the figure of 74.62 rubles, and considers it the size of his salary. Having got approximately the same amount of money in his hands, the Russian worker thinks that he has less taxes, because he does not know how much his employer pays somewhere.

By the way, are you going to say that in Texas there is no state tax, but in California, add another 10%?
And I will tell you that in the Russian example I did not mention, for example, the funded part of the pension - another 6% of the salary.
In any case, even if we consider expensive California, the salary in America is still not much different from that in Russia.
Налоги в США и России
Налоги в США и России
Множество людей возмущалось моим постом про налоги и комментариями к нему, утверждая что “в Америке, мол, такие большие налоги, не то что в родной России“. Кроме ругани в комментариях, я получил несколько гневных писем со ссылками на различные “доказательства” и нравоучениями. Осталось у меня ощущение, что большинству людей эта тема не ясна, и...
Server Muradasilov:

As if there was nowhere else.) although yes .............. but for which descendants ...


And the fact that the whole moon is covered with meteorites does not bother scientists?


An old woman who sells radishes by the metro for 50 roubles a bundle is approached every day by the same young man,

leaves her half a hundred, but doesn't take the radishes.

One day, when he hands over the fifty, the woman grabs him by the hand.

The young man says: "I take it you're wondering why I'm leaving you money but not taking anything?

- No, I'm not interested in that. It's just that as of today, radishes cost 80 roubles.
Alexandr Saprykin:

and the fact that the moon is covered in meteorites doesn't bother scientists?

As you can see, not at all :)
Server Muradasilov:
As you can see, it does not bother you at all :)
It is convenient that no one can check whether something is stored there, and if something happens, it is possible to undermine it.