Interesting and Humour - page 3472

Dmitry Fedoseev:
But you quoted my post in which a picture was inserted with two fonts (TimesNewRoman and Astra). What was it?
absolutely right - and this picture shows - that the Astra is a markedly different font than the Times - which I wrote about in more detail later
Dmitry Fedoseev:
So these convicts are not colonisers? So the British drove the local people out of their places - they are bad, and the convicts then lived on those places, but they are good?
All people are equally bad, Aborigines and Indians too
all people are equally bad, Aborigines and Indians too
Ahh... I get it. But they're not much different.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Ahh... I see. But they're not much different.
For my picky tastes, there are significant differences, though.

everyone is obsessed with this surveillance thing.... the world is going wrong......


The bus is packed, the whole way the little boy of 3-4 years old asks questions, and the father answers such as: "This is a tractor, it mows the grass; this is a petrol station, they pour petrol there; etc.". And to the question "Are we going to Kirov soon? " pretends to look ahead and says: "Yes, we're close." So the dialogue is like that. So, a bus pulls up to a railway crossing and stops for about 30 minutes. And next to the bus, two cows, a young red bull and five sheep are walking and nibbling on the roadside grass. The child was naturally interested in this zoo and started another inquest - who are they? What are they doing here? And dad answers, like: these are cows, and these are sheep, they eat grass, they walk. And there was silence in the bus (the driver turned off the engine), and all the passengers were involuntarily listening. And then a bull starts to get attached to one of the cows through the window, throws his front legs onto her back and tries to copulate. The passengers, frozen in suspense, didn't have to wait long, a little child's voice called out: "Daddy, what are they doing? "There was an oppressive silence, even the flies stopped buzzing, and only in a few seconds the father, blushing from everyone's attention, managed to utter: "They are checking if it's far to Kirov". An explosion of laughter could probably be heard in Kirov itself!


All people are divided into:

1. Owls (get up and go to bed late)

2. Larks (get up and go to bed early

) 3. Woodpeckers - they cause owls to rise early and skylarks to go to bed late


On the beach is a gorgeous blonde and sunbathing topless, the man comes up to her and quickly smacks her in the c@ss:

- Man, are you out of your mind?!

- I like you!


What the hell are you doing


Everywhere you look, there are neural networks

Дроны и нейросети будут отслеживать акул в реальном времени
Дроны и нейросети будут отслеживать акул в реальном времени
  • 2016.12.12
  • Михаил Котов
В 2016 году возле побережья Австралии произошли 33 нападения акул, два из которых закончились смертельным исходом. Оба смертельных случая зафиксированы на западном побережье, где и запускается новая программа онлайн-наблюдения, динамического картографирования и мониторинга акул, которая будет проводиться в реальном времени, сообщает Spatial...
Сбродная Россия
Сбродная Россия
  • 2016.12.12
В начале декабря в запасниках Музея землеведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова были найдены уникальные фотографии, сделанные во второй половине XIX века. География снимков охватывает практически всю Россию, но особенный интерес представляют фотографии золотоискателей «Амурской Калифорнии», или «Желтугинской республики». Музей передал часть снимков...