Interesting and Humour - page 3452


Vitaly Murlenko:

- What are your faults? - Unspeakable.

- What are your strengths? - Not talkative.
100% accurate.
State Duma of the Russian Federation:
- Hey you, America! If you decide not to let our crooks and thieves in, we will immediately start destroying the future of poor and homeless orphans!
US Congress:
- Are you out of your fucking mind?
Russian State Duma:
- Oh ta-rah?! Then we'll lower pensions for pensioners and raise taxes on everybody and legislate higher prices on everything! You'll know, you damned imperialists, how to defame the honor of crooks and thieves!
The US Congress:
- What's it to us?
Russian State Duma:
- Oh ta-ka?!...
the US and RF are mixed up. it's exactly the opposite.
Andrey Dik:
the u.s. and rF are mixed up. it's exactly the opposite.

Let it be so ... Everyone decides for himself what is right ... No offence meant )

US Congress:
- Hey you, Russian Federation! If you decide not to let our crooks and thieves in, we will immediately start destroying the future of unfortunate and homeless orphans!
RF State Duma:
- Are you out of your fucking mind?
U.S. Congress:
- Oh ta-ka?! Then we're going to lower pensions for pensioners and raise taxes on everybody and legislate higher prices on everything! Then you, you damned imperialists, will know how to besmirch the honor of swindlers and thieves!
The State Duma of the Russian Federation:
- What's it to us?
U.S. Congress:
- Oh ta-ka?!...

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re we all ready for next year’s royal wedding? Ready for the colossal #Megharry event in Westminster Abbey, which may well be the new US president’s first major state visit abroad? Well, we had better be. The indications are that the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be announced before the end of the year. Perhaps the Queen...
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К конспирологам многие относятся несерьезно, считая их теории лишь плодом воспаленного воображения. И очень зря! Ведь иногда их выкладки, которые многим кажутся безумными, внезапно оказываются истиной. И тогда весь мир содрогается! Долгое время конспирологи предупреждали граждан всего мира: Большой Брат смотрит за вами! Но никто из...

Let it be so... Everyone decides for himself what's right... I do not want to offend anyone.)

US Congress:
- Hey you, RF! If you decide not to let our crooks and thieves in, we will immediately start destroying the future of unfortunate and homeless orphans!
RF State Duma:
- Are you out of your fucking mind?
U.S. Congress:
- Oh ta-ka?! Then we're going to lower pensions for pensioners and raise taxes on everybody and legislate higher prices on everything! Then you, you damned imperialists, will know how to besmirch the honor of swindlers and thieves!
The State Duma of the Russian Federation:
- What's it to us?
U.S. Congress:
- Oh ta-ka?!...

Same thing, now it's like Kisel TV. And no cognitive dissonance. Let's drool and eat our porridge.

He's trying to stir up the people with the truth. People don't need it.

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