Interesting and Humour - page 3025

There are 24 holidays in May and only 18 in June. There are 27 holidays in October.
Сколько в году праздников или подробный список праздников
Сколько в году праздников или подробный список праздников
  • 2012.11.27
Все мы любим праздничные дни и с нетерпением ждем их прихода. Однако, редко кто задумывается а сколько же праздничных дней всего в году. Может ли быть такое, что на самом деле праздников больше, чем самих дней? Ведь на самом деле если посмотреть во всем мире, то у каждой страны имеются свои знаменательные даты и перечислить все все все не...
Sergey Golubev:
In May there are only 24 holidays, and in June there are 18. In October there are 27 holidays.

On the subject of holidays. Today, Americans are celebrating a holiday (informal). Today is that exceptional day when everyone in the US can have a true feast for their stomachs. Today is National Eat What You Want Day, or in other words, "Eat What You Want Day" Poor people. Don't eat what they want all year... Waiting for the holiday)))

Национальный день, когда можно есть то, что хочется
Национальный день, когда можно есть то, что хочется
Сегодня тот исключительный день, когда каждый житель США может устроить истинный праздник своему желудку. Сегодня — Национальный день, когда можно есть то, что хочется, или, другими словами, «Ешьте, что хотите» (Eat What You Want Day). Этот неформальный праздник отмечается ежегодно 11 мая. Точно неизвестно, кто и когда придумал отмечать этот...
May 14 - freelancer's day -
  • where's theBest Freelancers of the Year ranking?
  • where is the gift distribution?
  • where's the free holiday advice from Anniversaries?
  • ...
Server Muradasilov:
Don't angerAndrey F. Zelinsky
You should not start.
Otherwise it will start with a post about food that "only bums eat potatoes", then a photo of a freelancer, then I will remember how I ate fried potatoes young in whole pans and did not lose weight, and then I will have to delete three sheets of posts again :)


How will you celebrate the holiday here (I'm asking as a non-programmer)?
Sergey Golubev:
don't start.
Otherwise it will start with a post about food that "only bums eat potatoes", then a photo of a freelancer, then I will remember how I ate fried potatoes young in whole pans and didn't lose weight, and then I have to delete three sheets of posts again :)


How will you celebrate the holiday here (I'm asking as a non-programmer)?
I'm kidding of course, but why not celebrate?
Where's a newspaper article like:

"Today the world-renowned MQL5 portal is celebrating the International Freelancer's Day in a big way. Contests will be organized to mark the occasion, the honoring of anniversaries, distribution of free automated trading Expert Advisors of the Anniversaries to all interested people ...".
Sergey Golubev:
I'm kidding of course, but why not celebrate?
Where's the newspaper article like:

"Today, the world-renowned MQL5 portal is celebrating the International Freelancer's Day in a big way. Contests are being held to celebrate the event, the contest winners are being honored, free automated trading Expert Advisors are being distributed to all interested people ...".

And cakes))

Nikolay Kositsin:
Это совсем не безумие, а трезвый взгляд абсолютно нормального человека! Если вы как страус этого не замечаете, засунув голову в песок, то это совсем не значит, что подобных закономерностей не существует. Когда я в 1985 году рассказывал целой ораве законченных совков о том, что с ними будет через десять лет, то они орали, что таких тварей, как я, нужно стрелять, и что такое может нести только умалишённый. Увы! Но многих из них от потрясений от произошедших после этого событий уже нет в живых... Так что ничего нового, это ваше право - воспринимать правду, переворачивая её с ног на голову. Незнание законов бытия не уклоняет незнающего от последствий за их невыполнение! Но это ваш персональный выбор.

You seem to be a little overexcited ......... However, judging by the rhetoric and the number of exclamation marks I can assume that it is permanent and caused by a sense of knowledge of some "truth" inaccessible to others, in particular the appeals to the laws of being, truth, etc. ....... You do realize the image you create for yourself with these words, don't you? ..... As for capitalism, it has long disappeared in its pure form, you are about 60-80 years too late, besides, you should understand that all words ending in "ism" are generalized and non-specific judgments, and if your previous rhetoric expressed a negative attitude towards the ruling circles, this is nothing new: Just go to the comments of economic articles in any newspaper and see that they are full of exclamations criticizing one or another elite, which is true in many cases, since the elites in some countries evolve very slowly, in any case to say that "capitalism has no resources" is as meaningless as to criticize bank interest and other such verbiage...... at least we have to define what are these resources? and who doesn't have them? you can probably say that it is a criticism of capitalism in the states? then it is ridiculous. i remember that since the early 2000's the magazines wrote shocking articles that everything was about to collapse, even the famous Economist used to say that, and what? all in vain..... capitalism has long ago turned into a disembodied spirit, economics and sociology have long moved on by leaps and bounds, and trying to analyse the current state with the methods of 50 years ago is as futile as digging a vegetable garden with a fork.........

Alexandr Saprykin:

So it's not about capitalism. Overpopulation of the planet, the lack of resources to sustain life, and the need to develop new resources that could lead to climate change and a catastrophe on a global scale.

As I recall, the Earth can support the current population multiplied by a factor of 10.

Server Muradasilov:
We didn't contact a nuclear physicist, but my daughter responded four years ago to an advertisement in the Tula newspaper for Razdolbay-Service (a local fraternity was making a fuss). Very much have been surprised by the response, but have done the work accurately and have taken out all rubbish. Honour of the Uniform, though :)
Алексей Тарабанов:
We didn't contact a nuclear physicist, but my daughter responded to an advertisement in a Tula newspaper four years ago for a service called Razdolbay-Servis (a local fraternity was making a fuss). Very much have been surprised by the response, but have done the work accurately and have taken out all rubbish. The honor of the uniform, however :)
A popular name in the search engine, there are OOO, ZAO and so on and so on.