Interesting and Humour - page 3024

Nikolay Kositsin:

All those crispy brown crusts (fried meat, fish, potatoes, etc.) can be delicious, but they are very difficult to digest and even more difficult to isolate. They resemble plastic because of their hardness, there are no such nutrients in nature, it is a human invention of the age of civilisation. It is through abuse of fried foods that clogged blood vessels, capillaries, varicose veins, and then thrombophlebitis occur. Some foodies get so used to frying everything - porridge, eggs, potatoes, sausages etc. - that they can no longer eat plain food. It is these people who tend to become considerably overweight, go bald quickly, suffer from constipation, high or low blood pressure and numerous other disorders.

From my observations from the outside, fry lovers are not only constipated digestively, but also mentally. And not only constipation, but also descent into marasmus, demonic possession, megalomania, inadequate perception of danger, loss of instinct of self-preservation, marginalization ...

Those same bums just love fried potatoes and not only fried potatoes! They steal from other people's gardens and gobble them up!

But it's delicious!

You can't eat anything these days, if you believe the TV.


Tore all the roach's legs off, said "run! " - he doesn't run.

Conclusion: the cockroach can't hear without its legs.

Five sixes (I wonder what that means in magic?):

Sergey Golubev:

Five sixes (I wonder what that means in magic?):

The number 66666. Numerological meaning: Childhood, friendship, joy, positivity, optimism, good luck, luck, romance, sociability, carefree, creativity
Число 66666
Число 66666
Свойства и характеристики числа 66666. Шестьдесят шесть тысяч шестьсот шестьдесят шесть

I was the one who accidentally caught the post of a jouser with five sixes:

Sergey Golubev:

I was the one who accidentally caught the post of a Youser with five sixes:

Vladislav is so fast... he's already got 66671
Sergey Golubev:

Five sixes (I wonder what that means in magic?):


I googled the phrase practically for free and then clicked on Images - to see what google associates with the phrase (the equivalent of 10-20 quid as I understand it) ... I'm not even going to post screenshots... some worn shoes, ripped jeans, torn pillow...

Sergey Golubev:

I googled the phrase practically for free and then clicked on Images - to see what google associates with the phrase (the equivalent of 10-20 quid as I understand it) ... I'm not even going to post screenshots... some worn shoes, ripped jeans, torn pillow...

Greetings, how's the movement in the English part of the forum - are templates ripping?
Server Muradasilov:
Greetings, how's it going in the English part of the forum - are templates ripping?
It's fine... they recently found out about the holidays... it would be necessary for users in other parts of the forum to publish a banner calendar of holidays (how many days there are on what holiday) ... or next time I will not be surprised with a post like "I have sent a request to the service desk January 1 morning - why do not I get an answer for half a day now" :)