Interesting and Humour - page 3892

Uladzimir Izerski:


Hello, I'm your aunt walking with a scythe and Mr.Dmitry Fedoseev and others like him will no longer be tenants. How sad. The scythe will sweep away without looking at your mentality.

Well, be an aunt and then we'll see.


To be honest, I like the 9th century best out of our national history.

The reality is that we live in the 21st century. The 21st century is not to blame. Tension in the world has reached a critical state.

I believe that over the next two years the tensions will not subside, but intensify.

The reason is likely to be the flow of the world's money into their hands. The bleeding of the world economy will not go unnoticed.

Uladzimir Izerski:

The reality is that we live in the 21st century. The 21st century is not to blame. Tension in the world has reached a critical state.

I believe that over the next two years the tensions will not subside but will intensify.

The reason is most likely the flow of the world's money into their hands. The bleeding of the world economy will not go away unnoticed.

No matter what century you look back on, there has always been tension, sometimes even multiple times.

it's human nature to compete all the time

and there's always been money and it's always flowing somewhere.

so it's not about the money


If you put an old computer on the landing, in three days it will be snatched away

If you stick your head into a transformer box, you can sometimes see lights. As is the post, so is the answer.


Honestly, my favourite thing about national history is the 9th century.

Taki, we're steadily going there)))))))))))

Dmitry Fedoseev:

All right, be an aunt and we'll see.

Keep in mind that the scythe is sharp. It can manifest as a nuclear mushroom, or a bacteriological weapon. Die if you don't want to and that's it, or suffer for a year or two if life becomes so desirable.


Whatever age you're in, there's always been tension, sometimes even multiple times.

that's human nature - constant competition

and there's always been money and it's always flowing somewhere.

so it's not about the money

What is it about?


Wrong way of putting it...

...the attempt to build a communist society showed a lack of human material suitable for its construction...

A slight correction - not a lack of material suitable for building....
Someone wanted to appear smarter than Lenin and neglected the sequence of actions and stages in building a communist society. An important stage such as 'the education of the future builder of communism' was missed (not fully realised). And when the construction was undertaken by under-educated people, it turned out to be what it was.
As a result, because the idea was attempted to be implemented by ignoramuses, mediocrities, and rogues, new generations of dullards, ignoramuses, and ignoramuses are now trying to discredit the very idea of communism with the impudent moral, psychological, political and economic pressure of "democratic value bearers" of all stripes, with the help of Western "scientists".

Gorg1983: If you stick your head into a transformer box, you can sometimes see lights. As is the post, so is the answer.

Watch your head. They're phosphenes. You can see them by rubbing your eyes. There are people who find it hard to wash their faces. The early stages of hallucinations

Фосфен — Википедия
Фосфен — Википедия
Фосфен (от др.-греч.  — свет и  — показываю, обнаруживаю) — зрительное ощущение, возникающее у человека без воздействия света на глаз. Представляет собой светящиеся точки, фигуры, появляющиеся самостоятельно в темноте. Фосфены могут возникать вследствие воздействия на зрительную систему на её разных уровнях: механическим воздействием (нажатие...
Uladzimir Izerski:

What have I got the right to ask already?

it's human nature to be in constant competition