Interesting and Humour - page 271


The usual costs of the socialist system, you have to keep the population busy.

It doesn't matter what to do, as long as they work. The money is there, so they are building to avoid unemployment.

At one time it was decided that if we continued to produce light bulbs that do not burn out, the light bulb factories would shut down due to overproduction,

They decided to make the spiral thinner and as a result the life of bulbs decreased (they burned out) and the demand for bulbs stabilized.

A friend of mine still has a light bulb from 1958. It's black all over but it still works :)


The usual costs of the socialist system, the population has to be kept busy.

It does not matter what to make as long as they work. They have money and are building to avoid unemployment.

We once thought that if we continued to produce light bulbs that do not burn out, the light bulb factories would shut down due to overproduction,

They decided to make the spiral thinner and as a result the life of the bulb diminished (they burned out) and the need for bulbs stabilized.

My friends have a light bulb from 1958. It's black, but it still works :)

Wouldn't it be better to raise wages if there is money?
Wouldn't it be better to raise wages if you have the money?

No, then the Chinese labor will become expensive and the country will not be able to flood the world with cheap goods,

which is what the Chinese economic miracle is based on.

Wouldn't it be better to raise wages, if you have the money?
What's the point, as the purchasing power will not increase, as the amount of goods will remain the same.

No, then Chinese labour will become expensive and the country will not be able to flood the world with cheap goods,

which is what the Chinese economic miracle is based on.

Hmm. Makes sense. What if you resettle your tramps and give them money? Actually, I'd have to conclude that the planet is globally overpopulated. There's a lot of people and not enough work, oxygen, water and food. Taking into account technical progress there will be even less work. Gloomy
What's the point, because purchasing power will not increase, as the amount of goods will remain the same.
Higher wages have a direct impact on purchasing power. That's for sure.
What's the point, the purchasing power will not increase, because the amount of goods will remain the same.

If you have money, you can import goods with it, so there is no problem with that.

By the way, this is the main complaint about China, that they import less than they export. So to speak, they are pulling the blanket over themselves.

So the main problem is in the scheme to generate income, "cheap goods at the expense of cheap labor", change the cost of labor scheme will collapse.

There are a lot of people and not enough work, oxygen, water and food. Given the advances in technology, there will be even less work. Gloomy

You've got it all upside down.

There is not enough food - so go to work, produce food. There will be food for all and work.
Technological progress and there will be less work? Well, that is good. Then there will be more food.
I think the future is gloomy only for those who don't want to be the producer, but only the consumer, moaning because the producer raises the price. Become a producer yourself and you will rejoice. True, you will have different problems :)


Technological progress and less work, you say? Well, that's good. Then there will be more food

Yeah, there will be more food. Fewer jobs. If you don't work, you don't eat.
a new eye opener.