Interesting and Humour - page 2412


I wish I had a unit like that in the woodshed!


A great summertime tip: Take the pulp out of the watermelon,

make a hole for the dispenser, fill the watermelon with ice, pour your favourite drink. Done!


Shit ...



What are you doing? Draw! )


Shit ...

They got the last three letters wrong. The perverts, what a blow to a child's fragile psyche.

Four McDonald's restaurants in Moscow have been suspended at the request of Rospotrebnadzor. This is stated in a message posted on 20 August on the website of the Moscow office of the agency.

It is specified in the message that work, in particular, is forbidden to the restaurant on Pushkin Square. It was opened in 1990 and was the first McDonald's in Russia.

Finally... Maybe our young people will stop looking like the elephant in your post. Otherwise, they're eating American fats like pigs. The Pepsi and chips generation...
Finally... Maybe our young people will stop looking like the elephant in your post. They've been gorging themselves on American fats like pigs. The Pepsi and chips generation...
But at rush hour, you get between these two elephants and you don't have to worry about any potholes. The feeling of two featherbeds on both sides!
But at rush hour, you stand between these two 'elephants' and no potholes are a problem. The feeling of two featherbeds on both sides!
And what if these featherbeds step on legs, on "stilettos", each from its side? They will nail up to the asphalt through the floor.

The work of four restaurants of "McDonald's" chain has been stopped in Moscow by the demand of Rospotrebnadzor. It is said in a report, posted on August 20 on the website of the metropolitan office of the department.

It is specified in the message that work, in particular, is forbidden to the restaurant on Pushkin Square. It was opened in 1990 and was the first McDonald's in Russia.

Generating a chuckle, it comes to mind - just in the nick of time...

the history of the word shit


Russians surrender, we are a horde.


and sh...shit.