Interesting and Humour - page 2359



Have you banned me forever in MQL4 forum?

Would you be so kind as to explain why you punished me for such a terrible sin?


The Huashan Mountain Death Walking Trail.



Have you banned me forever in MQL4 forum?

If you'd be so kind as to explain why you punished me for such a horrible sin?

Your question may not be noticed here


The Huashan Mountain Death Walking Trail.

The video is more interesting. There's someone sleeping on that trail. Probably chose the most comfortable place. ))



Have you banned me forever in MQL4 forum?

Would you be so kind as to explain why you punished me for such a terrible sin?

Moderators, come on! Why are you persecuting him? It is obvious that the man is very educated! And his participation on the forum will be interesting. I am as naked as a falcon. as a Latvian has a soul, but still ... be more benevolent ...