Interesting and Humour - page 2031

Why not? He's all about purity of thought... For not draining your deposit...
I'm speechless.)))))))))))))))))))))
Why not? He's all about integrity... Not to drain his deposit...

So what the hell with it. And for amateurs - I've been using the channel for over a year now, I can't get off)


They're drunk... A couple of hours out of town and you're up to a dozen pages long.

artmedia, valeryk, trora, titanhouse - a 24-hour cooling ban for everyone. You know what you're guilty of.


They're drunk... A couple of hours out of town and you're up to a dozen pages long.

artmedia, valeryk, trora, titanhouse - a 24-hour cooling ban for everyone. You know what you're guilty of.

A hundred heads off their shoulders in one fell swoop. ))
Anyone who still doesn't understand what for, I invite you to contact me in person.

They're drunk... I'm gone for a couple of hours and there's a dozen pages here.

artmedia, valeryk, trora, titanhouse... You know what you are guilty of.

And Yogemishek didn't make the list.


Wow, Yozemishek didn't make the list :(

He can do anything. )))


Pushkin :

17 30 48

140 10 01

126 138

140 3 501


Good morning

Lecture delivered by David Harvey in Moscow on 25 May 2007 as part of the Russian Debates project of the Institute of Social Design.
Дэвид Харви. Неолиберальная урбанизация
Дэвид Харви. Неолиберальная урбанизация
  • 2012.07.06
Любой неолиберальный город – это четко разделенный город. Это город, у которого есть полюс благосостояния и полюс нищеты. И, между прочим, даже формально эти полюса разделены. В очень многих городах Латинской Америки трущобы вообще не управляются государством. Вместо государства там работают банды. Банды наркоторговцев, местная мафия, какие-то...
Твиттер / aavst: "Чуковский — ...
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