Interesting and Humour - page 3402

why so many bans? did these people do something wrong? (no trick question, just curious)
why so many bans? did these people do something wrong? (no trick question, just curious)
I join your question
why so many bans? did these people violate something? (no trick question, just curious)

Oh Moderators, anointed to power by the Admin!

Friend your detractors, like your envious ones, post those who disrespect you, and unban those who persecute you. The Admin has tolerated and you have been told to tolerate.

And may peace be with you and longs up and shorts down. :-)

Alexander Antoshkin:
The system needs the literate, the educated and the clever, but not the reasoning. That is the paradoxical demand of the system, to open up when they talk and shut down when they need to. Ridiculous, of course.

there was one man who managed to get the literate, the educated and the clever to work for the system until they were blue in the face

and they didn't come up, well, if only in the kitchen...

Denis Sartakov:

there was one man who managed to get the literate, the educated and the clever to work for the system until they were blue in the face

and they didn't get into any trouble, unless it was in the kitchen...

What a problem you always have, gentlemen)) We must live with pleasure!

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What a problem you gentlemen have all the time)) We should live with pleasure!

On the other hand, maybe that's the truth of the matter...

one... ...we'll all go to the same place forever... "and there'll never be me, as there never was me before..." (Heine)

Denis Sartakov:

on the other hand, maybe that's the whole truth...

one ... go all to the same place forever... "and there will never be me, as there never was me before..." (Heine)

there's no truth in shitting and spoiling yourself )
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