Interesting and Humour - page 1764


And in addition, they manage to send a significant part of their salary (probablya large one) back home to help their relatives.

In the grocery shops they buy about 10-15 loaves of bread + some Rolltons or cheap tinned fish + some other trifle. Well, this is probably for 5-7 people at once. Rubles for 100 a day comes out.

That's how they live. It sucks, of course, but they don't want to go back. Apparently it's even worse there.

But they behave very modestly and do not provoke conflicts. The main problem is the hot guys from the North Caucasus, who usually have a lot more money and a different temperament.

They work for a year and then they go home. A couple of monthly salaries, if not more, are spent on saving money (for a plane ticket). They are very calm and friendly (quiet), they understand everything, and there should be a law after the New Year - if he was deported, he will end up in prison from 5 to 7 years in his home country... About the North Caucasus - recently the number of people coming from there has grown exponentially.

Mathemat: Regarding trade with the industrial east...

Landik spoke in unison with your thoughts (Landik asks Yanukovych to postpone the signing of the Association Agreement for a year).

Landik himself owns Nord and his refrigerators are selling normally and he himself said so in Europe after this request to the presidency. But he acted as the mouthpiece of all industrialists in the east.

Here the question arises, if these same manufacturers have failed to diversify markets for 22 years, will a year help. I'm sure it's just an excuse to keep the SA quiet.

Now let's look at the import structure of the east's exports. The biggest gas exporter is the industrial east, and it is also the biggest importer of goods to Russia. It turns out that Russia sells gas from which industry makes goods for Russia.

The foreign trade turnover with the West is 30% with Russia 40% (now down by a quarter, so it's also 30%), spread the rest around the world. Gas balance is 70% domestic, 30% purchased.

As a result of austerity measures, civilian consumption of gas has decreased (the industry has not reduced consumption), and now the population not only does not consume imported gas but also gives 4 more cu.m. to the industry.

That is, Russia is selling gas to Ukraine so that the latter could produce goods for Russia, but because metal and fertilizers do not go up in price and gas constantly, an imbalance arises, which Ukraine covers with oil and other Roshenes.

In short the essence, if we close the border (theoretically) and break communications, Russia will find a replacement for goods in other markets, while Ukraine in the budget will not suffer (because everything that goes back minus what has stuck), the only downside is unemployment in the eastern regions.

The confirmation that people do not participate in the UkrRos exchange scheme (well, since people have salaries, people get some) is that although the east is the biggest taxpayer, but these regions are subsidized, the whole of Ukraine feeds the working Donbass.

How can this be? Just enter the scheme of those to whom it sticks, and it immediately becomes clear that it sticks in yards, and in our dolbonomics it is possible.

Now the question is, will these figures hold on to this ineffective dolbonomics? Remember the TV series "Next" with Abdulov, and the phrase from there, "Yes I will search youernet, 100 kopecks projects find. - Penny projects are just penny projects, nobody needs them, they have nothing to steal.

What is even more interesting, in fact, under this scheme Russia gives the West money in amounts comparable to gas supplies to Europe. After all, our balance of trade with Europe is almost equal to our Russian balance, but at the same time we do not sell much there, Russia sells, and we sell to Russia (such a triangle in which gas goes to the West, and the money goes to Russia and through Ukraine again to the West). Again a scheme in which something sticks to someone, but not to the people of Russia.

Europe does not give a shit about these schemes in principle, the people of Russia also have nothing to lose if the scheme breaks down, but Putin and Yanukovych do care. That is why the show is being staged, like we wanted to join the EU but our sins prevent us from doing so.

SZY to the above, most businesses involved in this scheme are owned by Russian citizens, and of course by ours from the Party of Regions. So Putin's entourage does not care whether the scheme will be ruined, although publicly Putin shows indifference, but it is all an act, the violence will be real.

This raises the question of who the gas is chopped with... further below because it is too long...


... Azarov said he did not perceive the Maidan as a serious threat. They despised Kuchma for his softness in 2004 too.

They have already dispersed by force the so-called "tax Maidan" and naively think that today's Maidan is no different, but imho it is very different.

In the first place then it was about small changes in the internal life (some may say no way small, they went into everyone's pocket, but all that was against the background of calls for reforms and to tighten belts and work more, Ukrainians are industrious people and grunted but went to work).

Now the situation is different, which was created by Mr. Yanukovych himself. Seeing that the ratings are falling he began to placate the electorate with ostentatious steps to Europe (well, this is sort of a part of the program) and so actively started to show off that he did not notice that the election is 2 years away. And people are turned on, people are already thinking about driving autobahns.

If the elections were tomorrow he would sign the SA, because the money from the scheme has been pumped in, and another SA and he would be automatically elected for a second term. But if he closes the scheme now, there will be no money for 2 years, and a new scheme will not be built for such a period to raise money for the elections.

People have had enough of him and want to limit his lawlessness at least to European watchdogs. Otherwise it is getting to the bottom of it. This is exactly what makes the situation different, not the opposition parties are stirring things up, but people themselves are sick and tired of putting up with this razbiy.

The chronicles from 2004 and now it looks like nothing, now on the second day of mass action they have started to kick cops, and quite a small spark that people have started to beat cops (beating them already regularly). That is, the intensity is enormous. At first, the "titushkas" and the cops were rounded up for intimidation.

When the cops started to be beaten up, the titushiki retreated (their own skin is dearer). Plus Maidan coincided with the anniversary of the Holodomor, they reminded us on TV what it was like in 33rd year. In general, the atmosphere is clear. Further the local authorities were involved and began to write letters to the EU (the essence is that if Yanukovych does not want to join the EU then we will join without him, the community decided, so far there are dozens of appeals, but the wave is growing).

Well and in conclusion, today, "river-boy" (like herald) of the Ministry of the Interior appealed to residents of Kiev owning weapons, reminding that you need to obey the rules and not use them in unlawful acts. Clearly this is a warning but it will not stop anyone in this situation and they may well start shooting and then Yanukovych definitely will not hold back, but he does not know this and will definitely start twitching. Yanukovych simply does not perceive the reality and sees only what is reported to him and not everything is reported, knowing that Yanukovych uses his fists if he does not like the report (he punches ministers in their cheerful faces in the truest sense of the word). So in this case I wish there was no bloodshed, but I highly doubt it.

God forbid...
God forbid...

+100500, God forbid...

But this is a game of chance, maybe Yanuk will be smart enough to retreat, otherwise there is no other way, people will not leave for sure.

ZZZ one more factor, there is "freedom" on the Maidan and they are supported by people even in the south (I do not know how in the east, I was on the election committee in Nikolaev, for such a radical party, many support them, not the majority in Nikolaev, but for Freedom 11% in Nikolaev is a shitload).

And freedom is an ideological party brought up on the examples of armed struggle.

ZZZI It was Freedom that raised the Euro flag over the Cabinet of Ministers, they will not sing songs peacefully in the European square, they want action.


I was at Europeiska in the afternoon - the people were mixed - from young people to pensioners, generally positively and peacefully disposed.

I was also in front of the cabinet - some vocational school students stood in front of the Berkutovs as a human shield. Then someone threw three smoke bombs at 2-5 minute intervals. And when they started throwing firecrackers - my wife dragged me away.

In general, I'm fed up with the current "redditors".

Urain: The bottom line is that if the border is closed (in theory) and ties are severed, Russia will find substitutes in other markets, while Ukraine will not suffer in the budget (because everything it receives is given back, minus what sticks), the only downside being unemployment in the eastern regions.

This is too serious a disadvantage for Yanukovich to ignore. Besides, he is still a protégé of the eastern regions.


I was at Europeiska in the afternoon - people of all sorts, from young people to pensioners, generally positive and peaceful.

I was also near the Cabinet Office - some vocational schoolchildren stood in front of the Berkutovs as a human shield. Then someone threw three smoke bombs at 2-5 minute intervals. And when they started throwing firecrackers - my wife dragged me away.

In general, I'm fed up with the current "redditors".

I got tickets to Kiev at the end of the week. Wanted to go to the exhibition. Now the question is, will I make it?

This is too serious a disadvantage for Yanukovich to ignore. Besides, he is still a protégé of the eastern regions.

He is the protégé of the oligarchs who have business in the eastern regions. he doesn't give a shit about people - trust me.