Interesting and Humour - page 1581


Yes, I think they mean that it is cold at night because the sun does not shine and on a cloudy day the sun does not shine and does not pierce the clouds. It's all very debatable, though.

At point 2 it is as warm at night as in the daytime. According to the chart it is not the daytime temperature that is lower than usual, but the nighttime temperature is higher, a noticeable unusual hillock. If daytime temperatures were lower, it would be understandable - clouds. But why is the nighttime above average, and so noticeably so?
The graph doesn't show daytime temperatures lower than usual and nighttime temperatures higher, a noticeable unusual bump.
Right (
And I was a fool to read it all the way to the end ... I thought there was a joke somewhere ...

I was a fool to read it all the way through... I thought there was a joke somewhere ...

Keep it in return. Now you can commit adultery. If you don't drink )

And there is no adultery itself on the right )


How values and priorities have changed


Thinking long and hard ...


thinking again ...


Out... Oops...

All right, let's get on with it.