Interesting and Humour - page 1161


May be of use to anyone

"Also fighting for the honourable title of home of high culture of living. It's a nightmare!!!" (с)
It's all the same. crooks from two clans are trying to dislodge each other and fooling the cattle to do so. classic.
i'm not a bum :)
It's all the same. the crooks of the two clans are trying to displace each other and are fooling the cattle for this purpose. it's classic.

Can you feel it?

are you on the bottom? what are you talking about? mt+btc
that's the one. forex is on the bottom.

Can you feel it?

Feel what?
What am I sensing?
"The dumbing down of cattle", of all things.

the exchange admin said in the chat room that they are testing MT4 and MT5 do not know what is better yet )

Figassa ) but joyful. Where to participate? Otherwise they will make a mess there )
it's about that. forex is on the bottom.
and it's not about forex, so it 's not about that.
Wow) however joyful. Where to participate? Otherwise they will make a mess there )

The discussion in the chat room got heated and then went silent, probably now in private or on Skype.

Knock on the moderators or the admins.