Interesting and Humour - page 1157


ZS: Ask a normal question. You're the first to come up with the questions, but when you ask them, San'ka comes first, no, let's do it ourselves.




There is a nuance here, by the way: you will solve the problem if there is someone willing to pay more than your employer. If there isn't, you can increase your pay by negotiating with your employer, not by demarches.

negotiating is useless if a moron comes along who wants to work for even less money)

the service is a good example, the smart ones have gone, only the planted and the patient ones are left)

The problem is not with the employer but with the employees, as long as there are those who agree to work for the idea, the pay will be the same.

I should have bought up all the pasta and there would have been no ears left over )

He asked. Not about that though, but he asked:

Speaking of roads: walk.)

ZS: all my life I drive 18km on a dirt road to the pavement and nothing.

SZZY: Don't pay taxes, build your own roads.)

Russian women drove ten million men into the grave.
Hitler didn't do that. Yeltsin didn't do that. All will die, but they will live, and my wife, and mother-in-law, and all will live, and all men - in the cemetery, in the cemetery, in the cemetery ...
(VVJ - about women)
Russian women drove ten million men into the grave.
Hitler didn't do that. Yeltsin didn't do that. All will die and they will live, and my wife and mother-in-law and all will live, and all men will go to the cemetery, to the cemetery, to the cemetery...
(VVJ - about women)

It's from here. )))


Is this true or is it a joke?!?


Is this true or is it a joke?!?

For some it's true, for some it's brutally true, for some it's a revelation ))