Interesting and Humour - page 4037

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

remove the rot,

all midges fly to the light at night, turn on a desk lamp with a light bulb,


duct tape against the flies near the light bulb on the ceiling.

continue? )

ZS: slipper )

I struggled and struggled, but nothing worked except a hoover.

and suddenly mysteriously disappeared a few days ago.

i remembered after reading the article


Как избавиться от мошек на кухне в 3 приёма
Как избавиться от мошек на кухне в 3 приёма
  • 2017.09.22
Дрозофилы — крайне неприятные соседи по кухне. Они появляются буквально из ниоткуда, быстро размножаются и активно надоедают. Пора избавиться от них. Опасны ли дрозофилы Сами по себе эти маленькие мошки не представляют угрозы для человека, но нечаянно проглоченная вместе с пищей личинка может вызвать заражение пищеварительного тракта...


Sergey Golubev:


We've had a summer like this too.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

it's just a photo gimmick, i think )

I don't think it smells like photoshop, it's too realistic, and in real life these pranks can get expensive. i saw a movie, i don't remember the name, a guy decided to play a prank, and he depicted something similar, then the prop broke and he flew down, the result is hanging over the street, a crowd of passers-by look at him and cannot help. he died in front of the audience. that was the prank clown.


P.S. we are all watched from above, our every action either helps or hinders us, at some point, those watching may decide that you have become too annoying with your attachment to suicide, you just may be helped to realise such a dream by creating a chain of events realising it.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

struggled and struggled, well, nothing helps except a hoover.

and suddenly mysteriously disappeared a few days ago.

remembered after reading the article


when you reach a certain level of perfection, you are not bothered by flies and other insects. about 15 years ago I noticed that there are no flies in my house and decided to see why they disappeared.
a fly flies into the house, flies about 10-15 seconds, then falls to the floor and begins to whirl on the floor as though it were sprayed with dichlorvos from head to toe. such sharp plummet and dance on the floor, after several seconds of rolling on the floor keeps silent.

Andrey Kisselyov:
When you reach a certain level of perfection, you are no longer bothered by flies and other insects. about 15 years ago I noticed that there were no flies in my house, so I decided to see what was going on and why they were gone.
a fly flies into the house, flies about 10-15 seconds, then falls to the floor and begins to whirl on the floor as though it were sprayed with dichlorvos from head to toe. such sharp plummet and dance on the floor, after several seconds of rolling on the floor keeps silent.

So there is a source of noxious fumes in the flat.
I lived in that house for a couple of years, no changes to the house or repairs were made, before I came and the first time I lived there the flies were fine, so not everything can be explained by poisons or the like.


P.S. i understand your attachment to the material world and only the material world (that which can be felt), but the world is not as material as you think.
it would be more accurate to say that the world is material, but not all matter you can feel or see, so you do not believe in its existence and it has a life of its own.

that's megalomania) all the programmers on this forum of all time are just nervously smoking on the sidelines

Dmitry Fedoseev:

this is megalomania) all the programmers of this form of all time are just nervously smoking on the sidelines

I've seen a man who makes even flies die :))