Interesting and Humour - page 3395


An enemy? Doesn't the leader always say - our American partners?

And where does the army "march" - across the fields of Alaska or the roads of California?

The Chief says it right, partners. But we all know what to expect from these partners. Because for some reason this partner is bringing troops to the border as if by accident....

What happens to those who disagree with the states is the following - terrorist attacks. Olanda says we should be friends with Russia - terrorist attacks. That's what they do everywhere and always. Russia is not refusing to be a partner, they are always welcome, but they should behave like humans, like neighbours. Otherwise, the whole internet will be laughing about admirals pissing their trousers on their destroyers.

Детектор проводки
Детектор проводки
1. Мультиметр, способный регистрировать милиВольты. 2. Пластиковая бутылка, произвольного объёма. 3. Фольга, пищева либо техническая. 4. Гвоздь, отрезок проволоки, стальной или не стальной. 5. Два отрезка 1но жильного кабеля, сечение 0.2-2 м.м., изолента. Не буду расписывать весь процесс. Основные этапы. 1. Из бутылки, фольги, и одного отрезка...
Andrey Dik:
Well, don't be happy if it makes your life easier. Go on giggling snidely at the sight of another achievement of the national economy, especially if you have done nothing for it..... You're an odd one to say the least.
I always enjoy reading posts like this and am glad I understand half the words. It feels so good.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Looked at the constitution, and even the military manual, everything I could find about love and patriotism:

Note a couple more lines:"asserting the inviolability of itsdemocratic foundation". So, does it not seem to you that everyone who opposes democracy violates the basis of the Russian Federation - the constitution.

Pay attention to one more place -"realizing that we are a part of the world community". So, when I am told how awful it is in the USA, Europe, how awful Americans and Europeans are, it greatly disturbs my consciousness of being a part of the world community. I.e. again, it violates the constitution of the Russian Federation.

Show me at least one place where I have violated the constitution, the military regulations or any other law of the Criminal Code or the Civil Code?

Go to the states. Rejoice in the achievements of their national economy there. Or do you shit on any country where you live? If not, then go where you won't.
can I add a post to the Science community?
There's a house missing.
Andrey Dik:
Go to the states. Rejoice in the achievements of their national economy there. Or do you shit on every country you live in? If not, then go where you won't.

No way! At the moment I am on the territory of the Russian Federation completely legally, and it follows from this:

Article 27

1. Everyone who is legally present on the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to move freely, to choose a place of stay and residence.

But you are giving me some kind of prescription as to where I should live, that is, you are contradicting the rights given to me by the Constitution.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

No way! At the moment I am on the territory of the Russian Federation completely legally, and it follows:

And you're giving me some kind of injunction as to where I should live, contrary to the rights given to me by the constitution.

But in this case it is better to start with Stephen Hawking's books, they are simpler and he doesn't go into as much detail as Green. If you have no understanding of physics at all, I can advise you a book by Isaac Asimov (yes, that's the one) called "Popular Physics. From Archimedean Lever to Quantum Theory". It's a good general primer.On lurkmore, it's well describedat you can start here
Квантовая механика
Министерство здравоохранения Луркмора предупреждает: вдумчивое чтение нижеследующего текста способно нанести непоправимый ущерб рассудку. Вас предупреждали. С квантовой механикой тесно связаны такие процессы, как сверхпроводимость, сверхтекучесть и сверхтеплопроводность, практическая реализация которых, как утверждает анонимус, позволит в...
Alexander Antoshkin:
But in that case it is better to start with Stephen Hawking's books, they are simpler and he doesn't go into as much detail as Green. If your level of understanding of physics is zero, I can also recommend a book by Isaac Asimov (yes, that one) called "Popular Physics. From Archimedean Lever to Quantum Theory". It's a good general primer.On lurkmore, it's well describedat you can start here.
The depth of your insight into my thoughts is amazing!
Dmitry Fedoseev:

No way! At the moment I am in the Russian Federation completely legally, and it follows:

And you are giving me some kind of prescription as to where I should live, i.e. you are contradicting the rights given to me by the constitution.

I just gave you advice. Maybe there you will find peace of mind and a joyful coexistence with your surroundings. I am for world peace, go in peace to the USA, live happily there. The US embassy will help with the move if you express your undisguised love for the country of true democracy.