Interesting and Humour - page 3392

EU countries are in the Schengen area, a comrade from Lithuania can safely go wherever he wants. As for the USA, the figures are so minuscule (about 600 people) that only you can draw any conclusions from them.
And what do you think, for example, just one comrade Perelman, is it a lot or not enough?
The EU countries are in the Schengen zone, a comrade from Lithuania can safely go wherever he wants, but he goes to Russia for some reason. For the US, the figures are so minuscule (about 600 people) that only you can draw any conclusions from them, I suppose.
So we are not talking about holidays. Do you not distinguish between temporary and permanent residence?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It's not like we're talking about a holiday. You don't distinguish between temporary and permanent residence travel?
It is something you do not distinguish, statistics take into account any border crossing, and the purpose is unimportant. And in the Russian Federation they take just anyone? Yes, right (it is difficult to go to Germany from Lithuania, so I go to Russia then)). ).
It is something you do not distinguish, statistics take into account any border crossing, and the purpose is unimportant. And in the Russian Federation they take just anyone? Yes, right (it is difficult to go to Germany from Lithuania, so I will go to Russia then)). ).
A masterpiece of thought! - Lumping temporary and permanent residence trips into one pile. Goodbye.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
A masterpiece of thought! - Lumping temporary and permanent visits together in one pile. Goodbye.

Yes, it's best to stop there. We are talking at a completely different level, I am talking about facts and statistics and you are talking about speculation and fantasies of how things should really be.

SZS: By the way, I note that if you leave out the US, the flow from the EU to the RF is greater than the flow from the RF to the EU.


Einstein is a symbol, an idol of modern science, and it turns out it is not so simple in both form and content

The anti-Einstein: How the theory of relativity came about

From here, a rather large article

Yes, it's best to stop there. The conversation is at a completely different level, I am operating with facts and statistics, and you with your speculations and fantasies about how it should be in reality.

SZS: By the way, I draw attention to the fact that if you leave out the US, the flow from the EU to the RF is greater than the flow from the RF to the EU.

You are delusional. It's called facts and statistics - lumping everything together. And you have the nerve to write to me about some fantasies. Aren't you a programmer? You're supposed to have a brain... What's the cost of industry? The funny thing is, judging by your answers, you don't realize how delusional you are. You're monstrously delusional.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Einstein is a symbol, an idol of modern science, and it turns out it is not so simple in both form and content

Anti-Einstein: How the theory of relativity came to be

From here, a rather large article.

What's not so simple or complicated? That the speed of light is constant for a stationary and for a moving observer is proven? Proved. What else is needed? What else is there to make up?

San Sanych, how so, you are a scientist, aren't you? A CTN or a doctor? And you're carrying such nonsense? They attribute some kind of ether to Einstein, like he identified gravitation and the curvature of space. Open any textbook of physics for universities and read about the theory of relativity. That's what interesting you saw in this article?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is not so simple or complicated? That the speed of light is constant for a stationary observer and for a moving observer is proven? Proved. What else is needed? What else is there to make up?

San Sanych, how come, you are a scientist? A CTN or a doctor? And you're carrying such nonsense? They attribute some kind of ether to Einstein, like he identified gravitation and the curvature of space. Open any textbook of physics for universities and read about the theory of relativity. That's what you see interesting in this article?

That, well..... actually in the standard approach of the general theory of relativity gravitation is considered exactly as curvature of space-time - a geometric effect, well...

And many alternative theories lead to the same result as the GTR .....

Dmitry Fedoseev:
You are delusional. It's called facts and statistics - lumping things together. And you have the nerve to write to me about some fantasy. Aren't you a programmer? You're supposed to have a brain... What's the cost of industry? The funny thing is, judging by your answers, you don't realize how delusional you are. You're monstrously delusional.
Dimitri, excuse me, how old are you?