Interesting and Humour - page 2137

A lady, an Englishman, a Frenchman and Lieutenant Rzhevsky are travelling in a train compartment. Suddenly, the lady stuns the air. The Frenchman, like a gallant cavalier, takes the blame: "Sorry, monsieur, gastritis. Won't happen again." After a while the lady ruins the air again with a noise. The English gentleman takes the blame: "Sorry, gentlemen. Indigestion. Won't happen again." Lieutenant Rzhevsky stands up and says: "Gentlemen, I'm going out to the vestibule for a smoke. And if she farts again, tell her it's me.

LED faucet nozzle that changes the colour of the water depending on the temperature


Seebright has the industry's first augmented and virtual reality platform with a smartphone-based wearable display ready

The headset is suitable for augmented and virtual reality applications. The platform created by Seebright includes a wireless controller.

The prototype for developers was first shown at the Game Developers Conference event in San Francisco these days.
У Seebright готова первая в отрасли платформа дополненной и виртуальной реальности с носимым дисплеем на базе смартфона
У Seebright готова первая в отрасли платформа дополненной и виртуальной реальности с носимым дисплеем на базе смартфона
Компания Seebright представила носимый дисплей и SDK для него. По словам Seebright, в уникальной интерактивной платформе используется инновационная оптическая схема, позволяющая дополнить смартфон эргономичной гарнитурой. Она позволяет формировать в поле зрения стереоскопическое изображение и трехмерную графику, не блокируя периферийное зрение...

Apple will not enter the megapixel race

Instead of increasing the number of megapixels, Apple will increase the pixel size. This will improve shooting quality in low light conditions. The new iPhone will also feature improved focusing and optical image stabilisation technology.

Apple не будет участвовать в гонке мегапикселей ::
Компания Apple решила в этом году не участвовать в так называемой "гонке мегапикселей" и не увеличивать разрешение камеры нового смартфона. Об этом сообщают наши коллеги из со ссылкой на собственные осведомлённые источники. Скорее всего, Apple не будет увеличивать количество мегапикселей и вместо этого сосредоточит своё внимание на качестве...

Seebright has the industry's first augmented and virtual reality platform with a smartphone-based wearable display ready

The headset is suitable for augmented and virtual reality applications. The platform, created by Seebright, includes a wireless controller.

The prototype for developers was first shown at the Game Developers Conference event in San Francisco these days.
Doesn't your neck get tired from a brick strapped to your head? )))
Doesn't your neck get tired from a brick strapped to your head? )))
It would be easier to hang a laptop around your neck! )))))
witty, but an A is not deserved. napoleon didn't die in the last battle. ;)
witty, but an A is not deserved. napoleon didn't die in the last battle. ;)
i don't know! ))))
Last week, my friends and I went to a restaurant.
As we ordered, I noticed that the waiter who was serving us was carrying a spoon in his shirt pocket. At first I didn't think much of it, but when I looked around I discovered that all the waiters carried a spoon in their shirt pockets.
- What was the spoon for? - I asked the waiter who approached me.
- You see, the management of our restaurant has hired a firm, Andersen Consulting, to optimize our processes. These guys have been poking around for a few months and realized that we waste a lot of time running back to the kitchen for a clean spoon if a customer drops it on the floor. This happens about three times an hour at each table. Having a spoon in our pocket saves us an hour and a half per shift...
Clever, I thought, and continued with my meal. As I was satiated my attention was sharpened and I noticed that all waiters had a thin shoelace sticking out of their trousers.
- Excuse me, but why is there a shoelace in your trousers? - I called out to the same waiter. Leaning towards me and lowering his voice he replied:
- The same office, after analysing our work, came to the conclusion that we spend a lot of time in the toilet. You know, reaching, peeing, washing and drying our hands... So, tying a shoelace to the... um... you know what, we can get it out quickly without using our hands, which means we don't have to wash our hands after going to the toilet, so we save 75% of the time.
- Yeah, but how do you... I'm sorry... put it back in without using your hands?
Lowering his voice some more and leaning right to my ear the waiter whispered:
- I don't know about the others, but I use a spoon...