HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 143


iGoR, El cid, F F L,

YOU ALL agree and believe in compounding as I do; we simply implement it in our own respective way. It seems to me that your differences or disagreements are simply a matter of semantics, terminology, choice of words, or whatever else you may want to call it. Nonetheless, I do agree with homestudy and I STRONGLY SUGGEST that if any of you would like to continue the discussion on compounding TO DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE in a new thread topic as it is an important subject matter.

Igor, El cid, FFL, There seems to be no end to the point - counter point on this issue. Though an important issue none of it pertains to trading the Hama Pad system. If there isn't a tread already(other then this one) for this discussion, one should be made. Hint Hint Hint

Membership Pending

FXCruiser - my membership has been pending for a long time. Please can you send me the forms to join. Thank you.


Need a new thread

Igor, El cid, FFL,

There seems to be no end to the point - counter point on this issue. Though an important issue none of it pertains to trading the Hama Pad system. If there isn't a thread already(other then this one) for this discussion, one should be made. Hint Hint Hint

Wow.Somebody had to do it and you sure did.I like you man.


iGoR, El cid, F F L, ......I do agree with homestudy and I STRONGLY SUGGEST that if any of you would like to continue the discussion on compounding TO DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE in a new thread topic as it is an important subject matter.


I promised I wouldn't reply to anymore of iGoR's post. I'm done w/ the whole thing. Just couldn't sit in silence and let him continue in the manner in which he was, at least not towards me. Don't take kindly to negativity.

Back to trading.........



Hi again Fxcruiser,

I posted the message below yesterday - could you please look into this and let me know when I can get the package? I am very keen to get started.



Hi Fxcruiser,

Sorry to be a pain. I have been away for a week and this is now the first time I can check my emails. To date I have not received the H1 or H2 .

Could you please forward those to me?



PS. I signed up long before the 7th July.

Hello! You have signed up on 6/25/07 and an email had already been sent out to you a while ago. It was sent in bulk BCC so it may have ended up in your Spam folder, please search and it should be in your inbox somewhere.



Err, yeah I am....could start our first hedge fund! Love y'r humour and candor though. ... Yep, Burnin' both ends to keep up the creative candle...

Yes! I have some thoughts on Hedge (hog) Fund! In fact, I just got some materials from Tom across the Canadian borders which may help us put something like this together. But, let me wind up this other top priority project I have and I will find time to work on this idea (even from nothingness...)

Thanks. You know me, I always carry ENJOY on my sig line. I am glad you like my humour and the candor is built in. Seriously, I would like to visit NZ one of these days.

BTW, email me your ideas on that Scalper EA you mentioned on the other side. I'll be glad to work with you on that.




The Power of the H 2 Z on Equities.

Hello connecting4less and lepiricus,

Here is the Apple Computer chart I was referring to last Friday on post 1389. These high probability trade setups were used to place LONG positions and a couple of OPTION CALL trades. AAPL made a new 52 week high and is expected to continue to its upside move to target the 140.00 level. According, to the link sent to me earlier by forex_for_life, Apple will introduce cheaper IPhone, so this will propel its price to much higher level.

However, on the bottom snapshot, you will read that Hardhead, a member in our Expat Investing group, is considering to trade his APPL shares for another Apple. .

ND, if the 2nd image is forum infraction, please feel free to remove. TY.



apple_chart.jpg  104 kb
apple.jpg  44 kb

SOLD! I'll take that trade anyday



did you look at my membership, like i said earlier i filled all the forms and received H1 but they expired, and my membership is still pending for H2 lounge and i dont have the indicators,

can you update me please?
