HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 136

Always watching over someone 's shoulder to see if they wouldn't charge to newbies for something that can be found for freeon the internet or on a forum....


PS. Your knowledge about beers and cigars is impeccable...don't forget to spare some time in your bussy "visting scheduele", so you can teach people in your room.....

Oh, come onIgor........I pay my housecleaner the same amount each week as it is to join EJ's chatroom for three months. Don't be so completely ridiculous.

Always watching over someone 's shoulder to see if they wouldn't charge to newbies for something that can be found for freeon the internet or on a forum....


PS. Your knowledge about beers and cigars is impeccable...don't forget to spare some time in your bussy "visting scheduele", so you can teach people in your room.....

To put it bluntly Igor, your analytical skills maybe well developed, but your social skills are extremely poor.


Hana v 1

Here are some updates:

1. Emails have been sent out to ALL who registered at the Google Groups thru July 4, 2007. Please make sure you check your inbox for the email address you have used to register there.

3. For those who have just requested the HAMA PAD v1, the download link will be posted here within 48 hours and on post#1.



I am trying to wait patiently, but when will the link be posted? I am excited to start studying Hama v1.



Homestudy: are those great results due to just your recent H-2 info?

They're impressive regardless ... but just wondering ...


homestudy: hello!

It's so nice to know that you are getting profits in your trading.Congratulations!

Though,the chart indicators you showed on your charts were, none belongs to fxcruiser's.

Could you, please specify,according to you, on your chart,which Indicator was creation of Fx cruiser?

If you are fond of fxcruisers form, that's great!

That is none of my business to comment.

Pal, common, just try to propategate reality and give credit to original authors, who deserve it,( like cja, Igor and rest of the others).

By the way, my mesage is not intended to offend any one.

Just trying to bring the relity into surface!

Happy trading!



OMG! Here we go again. READ post #1 - where reality started. READ post #1330. Why is it so HARD to get people to READ? Yet, so much easier to piggyback on and jump in to pick/criticize something that was made to work.

I try to keep a POSITIVE tone in this thread and in all my writings. If you or anyone else think it were JUST the indicators alone, as claimed not mine (as credits were acknowledged at the beginning) as they are the way it is and it was, which was claimed can be found all over the place; then why don't you or everybody else get them indicators and build your own system from scratch, instead of jumping all over the forum, trying someone else's system, EA, etc like there is no tomorrow looking for the "holy grail". Now, READ this post, especially the second to the last paragraph (you know how to find it, I hope). BTW, that is new, current, and active link, not an old one that you think you can use to sneak in.

Is it cja's Indicator, or NonlagMA or xmeter or pivot,S/R level Indicator, which one? These Indicators were created mainly on this forum by different authors. And every of these indicators, here are avaliable freely.

Man, you are so good and knowledgeable that you made conclusive statement. Now, did I claim any of these mine? Am I restricting any member to use other indicators of their choice? Do you know that when someone posted something publicly that they have consented to its use (not sure if they called that "shareware" or "freeware"). Tell me, which one is NonlagMA or did YOU assume that?. BTW, there isn't anything different done here than what was done with HMA and personalized for system by someone else.

I give credit to whom and where credit is due. Just READ (ooops, you don't) my posts and sig line. No original ownership claimed; there ain't anything original anymore.

Oh, you did not offend anyone. I don't think so. YOU just humiliated ONE and that is not me, not homestudy nor any member of the HAMA Traders Lounge. Think about it.




"homestudy: hello!

Though,the chart indicators you showed on your charts were, none belongs to fxcruiser's.

Could you, please specify,according to you, on your chart,which Indicator was creation of Fx cruiser?"

Good eye rswamy you did notice that I have an expert called xmeter on my chart and it is there more for something to look at then use to trade. The other non H2 indicator I have on my chart is an rsi cross that I have been playing with (I like to play). The the rest are from H2 and are what I use to trade. The H2 indicators are also what I used in deciding to place the trade I posted. It is interesting you commented on my chart when other charts have been posted with non H2 indicators on I feel honored.

" These Indicators were created mainly on this forum by different authors. And every of these indicators, here are available freely.

If you are fond of fxcruisers form, that's great!

That is none of my business to comment."

I haven't seen any of the indicators I used in deciding to place this trade any place other then H2 and I have looked at a LOT of them in my short time trading! Typical newbie thing! The only indicators other then the two mentioned above are H2 and those two non H2 indicators play no roll in my trading. As FX has posted previously "It's the "creative ideas from nothingness", the tweaks, the twist, and the turns, that make it extra ordinary. " that make this system what it is.

"Pal, common, just try to propagate reality and give credit to original authors, who deserve it,( like cja, Igor and rest of the others).

By the way, my message is not intended to offend any one.

Just trying to bring the reality into surface!"

Ok I will do this in an effort to propagate (big word) reality and I will give credit where it is due......FXCruiser. I love the system he has developed and will be the only indicators other then myself that I will use to trade. In the future I will leave the two non H2 indicators in question from the charts I post so as to avoid any conflict.

I don't know you and have never met you before but if we are now "pals" great and it is great to know you and good luck trading.

Good that you came around you should stay a while and read the thread

there is a lot of great info.

PS last I checked my trade is up another 15 pips from when I posted.

And I hope you don't mind I took the time to spell check your qoutes and correct the mispelled words.


For the last two weeks after attempting to register for Hama Pad H2 membership I have been unable to access the site. Each time I sign in I get the following:


Your subscription to this group is still pending.

Please return to the main page.

Thanks, in advance, for any help you can offer.

Carmel, please give me the exact date you joined the google groups and the name@.com, just name not the whole email address. Thanks.

If you have signed up there after 7/7/07, you would have to be on the waiting list, otherwise, an email had already been sent out to you.



To put it bluntly Igor, your analytical skills maybe well developed, but your social skills are extremely poor.

Fellow HAMA,

Integrity and professionalism has been the staple of this thread. Let's try to uphold it.


F.F.L. (akademikjeanius)


Thanks Akademik

Very impressive results FXCruiser...outstanding! Thanks for sharing with us
wow!! good
Impressive it is. I haven't seen a statement like that in my life. EJ, evidently you have found the answer to the "Million dollar question"
Nice system

Thank you guys! WOW to you! By no means, am I ignoring your posts. What a breathe of fresh air from TSD forum. Lately, this forum seems to change to TSD = Traders Squabbling Daily. I appreciate you all for taking the time to visit here. Keep up the positive attitude; it's unbelievable sometimes where that will take you.

Don't let one chart post with good profits sway you. Feel free to browse around the whole thread, read where we've been, our ups n downs, the good, the bad, the uglies, what we have survived and get a feel of where we're heading ... we still have a long way to go but it is an adventure worthwhile taking.

