HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 138

I thought I was being professional. Igor implies that everyone in the chatroom is a bunch of noobs and you defend him? LOL. No worries bro...


Not defending him. Couldn't care any less about what he's doing and what he stands for either way. Just trying to keep this thing from escalating (Looks like I'm too late). I understand from where you're coming, but why argue with him. Won't accomplish anything. We ALL his type. I won't go into it as it will only further add to the deteriation of the this thread and the board as a whole.

I was a noob at one time and never once have I been spoon-fed crap and blindly thought it to be caviar. I've always kept realistic expectations w/ everything and I'm only 22. Didn't need a "protector" to tell me that "past performance is not indicative of future results". I didn't need anybody to dedicate their time to policing threads. If grown adults need somebody to be their trading guardian angels, since they have no self-control, so be it. Do you know why 1/3 of the world dislikes Americans? Because Americans don't know that 1/3 of the world dislikes them. (By the way I'm an American born and raised, unfortunately.) They don't take responsibility for shit. Most are aloof to world events and don't give a damn if they do know.

Igor has tried slamming me once before for my view on money management and I just ignored him. I know people who are succeeding using the method in which I'm interested and I was only trying to offer, FREELY, and new concept that some hadn't seen. Me arguing w/ him doesn't affect anything negatively or positively so why waste the time and energy. He has his own reality and I have mine. I can accept or reject what he and anyone else for that matter has to say. One of my favorite rappers once said, "What he eats don't make me sh*t."

I've quit coming to TSD for the most part because it's gone downhill fast. Not much constructive production coming from here anymore. I check on this thread froom time to time and may check a few new post and sift through old post to see if there's anything good in them, but that' about it. Most say "It can't...." instead of saying "How can....." and THAT my friend seperates the do'ers from the wishers. Don't actively participate in the bickering and whining.

E.J. is a better man then me, because I would've said forget it and told any and all interested to contact me privately and left it at that (That's the watered-down version of how I woulda handled it ). He doesn't need to do this to make money. His many screenshots show he has that part under control. He just has a truly sincere passion for helping others. He's never told me anything but the truth. That's why I like the brotha. How many other post can you say post anything even remotely similar to "Beyond Systems & Indicators". He's specifically said that this ISN'T the Holy Grail and also, that he used indy's that could be found freely on the internet as INSPIRATION and took them under the knife and pulled a "6 Million Dollar Man" on them. i.e. completely revamped them and the only thing similar is the apperance. There have been futile attempts to imitate his work but none have been successful in duplicating his work. For that, he deserves and I don't mind paying him $30 quarterly for the use of the intellectual and real property he provides. If you (rhetorically, not you Gramski ) aren't interested, then shut up and move on.

I'm done. Nuff said.


F.F.L. (akademikjeanius to fellow HAMA's)


H2 install

I'm sure this has been posted somewhere but I can't find it: how do I install H2 into MT4 platform? Thanks, Delage

I'm sure this has been posted somewhere but I can't find it: how do I install H2 into MT4 platform? Thanks, Delage

Drag and drop indicators in the "indicators" folder located in the "experts" folder in the you're brokers program folder.


C:/--->InterbankFX--->Experts--->Indicators. Hope that helps

BullsEye. You can't beat a bit of bully !

Mart, you got that right and here are two from another BullsEye view.

Let the game and the FUN continue.



P.S. If you want to have FUN and get a real good smile. on a Friday and want to see a combination of life and trading at its best, YM me, I will give you the link. ENJOY your short vacation.


Wow that’s just gota hurt, even hurts just looking at it.

If the Bull wins do they still kill it or eat the matador instead ?



That second pic might be Atlanta. It's a bull just like that downtown.


H2 install

I have now been able to install H2 in the indicators folder but it does not appear on the MT4 platform. How do I open it? Forex for Life: I live in Norcross. Delage

I have now been able to install H2 in the indicators folder but it does not appear on the MT4 platform. How do I open it? Forex for Life: I live in Norcross. Delage

Did you remove the Hama indicators from their folder.

Did you re start Met 4?


I have now been able to install H2 in the indicators folder but it does not appear on the MT4 platform. How do I open it? Forex for Life: I live in Norcross. Delage

If you are new to met4 these may help.



