Harmonic Trading - page 348

When do you anticipate posting ###ZUP_v113wsv45 for us to try out?

I'll be testing new version in live trading this week. I won't upload until I'll be %100 sure that everything is ok.

3_ind.png  207 kb

I can add a code to make the indicator check 0A retracement since in original definition of the pattern, there's a 61.8 - 78.6 0A retracement.

Three Little Indians setup popularized by Linda Bradford Raschke (also known as Three Pushes to a Top, Three Drives, Three Waves to a Peak, Three Monkeys on a Branch, etc), and also the concept of the Wolfe Wave, a subset of Three Little Indians which has more particular rules, but which in return provides clear entry and exit targets.

Three Little Indians pattern has been added to code with 0A retracement check.


It look like zup 135 checks further back in time for patters than zup 113. What setting controls how far back it searches for "0"?

It look like zup 135 checks further back in time for patters than zup 113. What setting controls how far back it searches for "0"?

Not only zup135 but all past versions of zup has that feature.

But everything comes with a price. While searching the past formations, they sometimes miss the present formations. This is why I've locked the history check and force the indicator detect patterns with every possible zigzag depth in last leg only.

As I've said before, I've been testing zupv45 without a lock, and it misses some patterns that zupv43 finds.

zigzag search function needs a modification and there're hundreds of codes there to read & understand before making that modification.

Until I'll find a way, I keep the past patterns search locked.


Let me explain how zigzag search function works in zups

Starting with the lowest zigzag depth, indicator starts searching patterns from the last leg=current leg (call it leg 0) . if it couldn't find a valid pattern on leg 0, it continues to search from the next nearest leg which is leg 1 and this search continues till the first leg in your screen.

if it finds a pattern in one of the legs, it draws the pattern on chart and stops searching.

Well, what if indicator couldn't find a pattern in depth 0?

Then, it increase the depth +1, starts the search procedure from the beginning that I've written above.

Assume that indicator finds a butterfly pattern on leg 3 (a past pattern) with a depth value 3. It will draw the pattern on screen and stop searching.

But may me, if it doesn't stop searching patterns, it will find a pattern on last leg @ depth 15 or 16.

Because of this reason, I lock the past pattern zigzag search.


I added 3 drives in ZUP 135 ALL and further

eurusdm15.png  59 kb
Three Little Indians pattern has been added to code with 0A retracement check.

Let's tell 3 drives, instead of 3 Indians

3 drives- a special case of 3 Indians

1 pic. - 3 drives

2,3 - 3 Indians

Let's tell 3 drives, instead of 3 Indians

3 Indians - a special case of 3 drives

1 pic. - 3 drives

2,3 - 3 Indians

Ok, corrected.

poruchik, is leg length and/or time is important in 3 drives?

and to draw D box, what should be the min & max time?