CatFx50 - page 317


As someone in the PST timezone, what is the most active time for me to trade EURUSD, USDJPY, and GBPUSD ?

As someone in the PST timezone, what is the most active time for me to trade EURUSD, USDJPY, and GBPUSD ?

Be prepared to get up early and go to bed late.

Best time to trade:

secondary time:

begin 7-8 am Central Europe time (10pm Pacific Time)

trade as long as you can stand it - but remember that you need to get up at 5am Pacific Time because:

that is your Big money time!!!

from 5 am Pacific to 9 am Pacific - thats when both Europe and NY are trading and thats when you'll see the most movement.

heres 2 great links to keep track of all of this:

World Time

Market times:


Nice move for EURUSD

Considering the movement we've had this week, what kind of movement does anyone expect for today ? Clearly the end of the New York session will be slow (after London closes). Any Ideas about the time when both London and NY are trading ?

Hi reemul99,

don't know if you are sleeping now - but as we see at the current time - anyone do not want to have the cable going more down and the swissy going more up. We have long shadows on the candles (hammers in cable, kind of shooting stars in swissy).

Now we will see if the next reactions (breaking the range zones) will rise to the last highs or break to go more down. Currently we have already developed flag s on both pairs.


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Hi, traders!!

Take care, mates. Take care, today. If you are done for the week, turn off your live platform.

Today could be a killing one: stop hunting and so on. Do not trade if you do not see a big, big rush. And if you do it, do not go full loaded.

I may be damn wrong and perhaps we see pairs going for a run of 150 pips. I do not know. All I know is that I do not like what I'm seeing.

Those Mibl's tales are clear: there is a big, big fight here. For our charts, we have EMA50 above EMA120 on EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDCHF. This can not last long especially for EURUSD/USDCHF.



what do you mean Nina?

Hi, traders!!

Take care, mates. Take care, today. If you are done for the week, turn off your live platform.

Today could be a killing one: stop hunting and so on. Do not trade if you do not see a big, big rush. And if you do it, do not go full loaded.

I may be damn wrong and perhaps we see pairs going for a run of 150 pips. I do not know. All I know is that I do not like what I'm seeing.

Those Mibl's tales are clear: there is a big, big fight here. For our charts, we have EMA50 above EMA120 on EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDCHF. This can not last long especially for EURUSD/USDCHF.


I thought EMA 50 is below on Eur/Usd and Cable and above on Swissy?Is it not?

I thought EMA 50 is below on Eur/Usd and Cable and above on Swissy?Is it not?

hi ajagarwal

not on my charts - I have ema50 > ema120 on all 3 pairs

(on eurusd and gbpusd only slightly)




[08:14 GMT NEWS: Riksbank Boosts Share Of EURO FX Reserve By 13%, Cuts USD] London, April 21. Riskbanks has announced a change in its FX reserve allocation. They will boost the EUR share by 13% and cut their USD reserves by 17%. --

[08:24 GMT GBP/USD: Reclaims a 1.78 Handle, On Riksbank-Led EUR/USD Gains] London, April 21. Sterling has reclaimed a 1.78 handle on the back of EUR/USD-gains fuelled by the Riksbank"s FX reallocation announcement ( The GBP proportion of the Riksbank"s FX reserves has actually been cut to 10%, from 11%--but this is a much smaller reduction than the USD segment, which has been cut to 37%, from 50% previously.

GBP/USD resistance levels include 1.7842 (yesterday"s NY session high), 1.7875 (Thursday"s Asian session base), and 1.7937 (Wednesday"s seven-month peak). Exotic option barriers reportedly reside up at 1.7950, and 1.8000. The latter triggers are flagged as being the peaks of Double No Touch options. 1.7000 is the base trigger of those DNT"s. On the downside: 1.7800 now represents a support point. 1.7799 was the Asian session peak.


thanks Mibl:

[08:14 GMT NEWS: Riksbank Boosts Share Of EURO FX Reserve By 13%, Cuts USD] London, April 21. Riskbanks has announced a change in its FX reserve allocation. They will boost the EUR share by 13% and cut their USD reserves by 17%. --

[08:24 GMT GBP/USD: Reclaims a 1.78 Handle, On Riksbank-Led EUR/USD Gains] London, April 21. Sterling has reclaimed a 1.78 handle on the back of EUR/USD-gains fuelled by the Riksbank"s FX reallocation announcement ( The GBP proportion of the Riksbank"s FX reserves has actually been cut to 10%, from 11%--but this is a much smaller reduction than the USD segment, which has been cut to 37%, from 50% previously.

GBP/USD resistance levels include 1.7842 (yesterday"s NY session high), 1.7875 (Thursday"s Asian session base), and 1.7937 (Wednesday"s seven-month peak). Exotic option barriers reportedly reside up at 1.7950, and 1.8000. The latter triggers are flagged as being the peaks of Double No Touch options. 1.7000 is the base trigger of those DNT"s. On the downside: 1.7800 now represents a support point. 1.7799 was the Asian session peak.

I had SMA as support not EMA.You and Nina are right.

is it time to load up yet?

I had SMA as support not EMA.You and Nina are right. is it time to load up yet?

load up ??? what do you mean?
