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Originally posted by Sebastiaan de Boorder ( You would think that the simultaneous crashing of all of the largest stock markets around the world would be very big news...
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Matthew Todorovski, 1 October 2015, 00:52 #stocks
Data released earlier Wednesday showed that inflation in the euro zone turned negative again in September. This increased pressure on the Europe Central Bank to expand monetary stimulus...
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News, 30 September 2015, 14:05 #inflation, QE, Goldman Sachs
Higher global interest rates could drive a new credit crunch in emerging markets, as companies that have ridden the wave of cheap money to load up on debt will slide into crisis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned...
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News, 30 September 2015, 10:07 #Janet Yellen, IMF
The European Commission has reported that industrial companies, service groups and retailers across the euro area are all more confident this month, pushing its measure of economic sentiment to the highest since 2011...
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News, 29 September 2015, 14:28 #economy news, EUR/USD
We have released new tutorials on the official MetaQuotes YouTube-channel. Seven new videos are now available, demonstrating where to find and how to obtain a robot for automated trading on the financial markets...
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MetaQuotes, 28 September 2015, 14:13 #metatrader 4, metatrader 5
Traders will be inundated with an avalanche of macro-economic data this week. The inflation rates, confidence indicators and employment reports for various countries will be closely watched. Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen will speak on Wednesday, ahead of the Non-Farm Payrolls report due on Friday...
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News, 28 September 2015, 10:33 #economic calendar, ECB, Fed
What is Volkswagen blamed for...
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Alice F, 24 September 2015, 11:29
Japan is among the top seven countries by the number of site visitors. We want to make this large audience feel comfortable on our resource. To break the language barrier for our Japanese speaking users we are launching a special localized site version at
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MetaQuotes, 22 September 2015, 13:55
Former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will return to power in Greece. On Sunday his Coalition of the Radical Left, or Syriza, received 35.5 percent of the vote, according to an official projection by the Interior Ministry based on more than half of votes counted...
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News, 21 September 2015, 08:58
A survey of more than 6,000 members of the Federation of Small Business (FSB) indicated that 47% would vote to stay if the referendum was held today, with 41% against and 11% undecided. Just over 1% said they would not vote or preferred not to say, The Guardian reports...
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News, 17 September 2015, 15:03
Recently, we have reported on the addition of analytical objects and two-factor authentication in the MetaTrader 5 Android. Now, the same features are available in the new MetaTrader 4 Android build 846...
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MetaQuotes, 17 September 2015, 14:56
Sep 8, 2015 12:03 PM We are happy to share the success stories of our Round 42 champions. Some of their pieces of advice could be inspiring and useful for traders of different levels. Let us remind you the names of the winners: 1st place with the award of 500 USD goes to Mr...
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Aleh Sasonka, 17 September 2015, 09:46
This week, volatility in the markets will likely be higher than usual. There are three central bankers' meetings scheduled ahead, among them the long awaited Fed’s policy meeting. The Bank of Japan and Swiss National Bank are the other two to meet. In addition, the U.S...
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News, 14 September 2015, 09:05 #economic calendar, RBA, FOMC
The Federal Reserve should not increase rates in September now that the world economy is looking so troubled, said Kaushik Basu, the World Bank's chief economist...
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News, 9 September 2015, 15:08 #FOMC, China, Fed
A public opinion poll in Greece conducted by Pulse and published on has put radical left-wing Syriza party slightly ahead of its closest rival...
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News, 8 September 2015, 16:07 #Troika, ECB
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries has approved Indonesia’s request to rejoin, IGN Wiratmaja Puja, director-general of oil and gas at the country’s Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, said in a text message on Tuesday...
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News, 8 September 2015, 14:32 #OPEC
In a report released last week, Pew Research Center brought to light eight important facts about the American employee and noted that although the U.S. economy seems to be gaining momentum, there is still a lot of debate on how to best secure the future of American workers...
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Angeliqi N, 8 September 2015, 11:50 #economy news
According to a new poll, more citizens of the United Kingdom expressed willingness to leave than to stay in the European Union. The potential for an exit has spurred real concerns among British businesses and investors, which have enjoyed trading benefits associated with EU membership...
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News, 7 September 2015, 14:00 #GBP/USD
This week starts with a very quiet economic calendar but continues potentially with three policy meetings of major central banks. Moreover, market players expect the euro area and the U.K. to release the final GDP, and Australia and the U.K...
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News, 7 September 2015, 11:34 #economic calendar, Nasdaq
China trimmed its growth rate for 2014 to 7.3% from 7.4%, in a move likely to add to concerns about the world's second largest economy...
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News, 7 September 2015, 09:42 #GDP, economy news, China