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PayPal President Dan Schulman was quoted saying that expanding into international money transfer and remittances aligns with their strategic vision to democratize the movement and management of money...
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BlondieNews, 7 July 2015, 06:11
This agreement extends Xiaomi's relationship with Intertrust Technologies Corporation, which owns WhiteCryption. Financial terms of the deal were not announced...
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BlondieNews, 7 July 2015, 03:11
This week will mostly be dominated by the Greek uncertainty. On Sunday Greece voted against the plan proposed by its creditors sending financial markets down. The majority, 61.3% voted 'no' and 38.7% voted “YES”...
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News, 6 July 2015, 10:38 #economic calendar, Fed
* 'No' vote romps to victory with 61 pct of vote * Tsipras says Greece returning to negotiating table * Euro zone summit called for Tuesday By Lefteris Papadimas and Renee Maltezou ATHENS, July 5 (Reuters) - Greeks overwhelmingly rejected conditions of a rescue package from creditors on Sunday, t...
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Matthew Todorovski, 6 July 2015, 01:41
Statistics showed that China Mobile gained 373,000 new users in May 2015 and its user group reached 816.335 million. Of those, the number of 4G users saw a net increase of 17.188 million and the total number of 4G users reached over 170 million...
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BlondieNews, 5 July 2015, 06:11
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation's new research business has attracted three new investors: Huawei, a Chinese telecom device maker; IMEC, a nanoelectronics research and development center; and Qualcomm Global Trading Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated...
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BlondieNews, 4 July 2015, 21:11
No that the geopolitical backdrop makes investors nervous, they seem to prefer riskier assets like stocks. Quite a lot of investors got successful at trading stocks, and some of them even wrote books to teach others... let us see the best-sellers among books on trading stocks...
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Alice F, 4 July 2015, 15:35 #inflation, investing, stocks
Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced a referendum to be held on July 5 so that the citizens could vote whether they accept further cuts suggested by creditors or not...
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Anton Voropaev, 3 July 2015, 16:45 #IMF
A poll showed more Greeks are leaning to accept deeper cuts - against the government’s call to vote against creditors’ terms for more aid...
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News, 2 July 2015, 09:49 #Troika
On Tuesday Athens missed the deadline for a €1.5bn ($1.7bn) payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Greece no longer has access to billions of euros in funds, as the previous eurozone bailout expired...
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News, 2 July 2015, 07:26 #Troika, Dow Jones, S&P 500
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to be concluded between the European Union and the U.S. is aimed to lower tariffs and expand common standards and regulations. It would spur business between the two giants, possibly at the expense of Switzerland...
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Alice F, 1 July 2015, 16:32
European stocks surged Thursday in the wake of a report that Greece’s prime minister is ready to accept bailout terms set forth by creditors to the Hellenic nation...
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News, 1 July 2015, 13:18 #dax, IMF, stocks
Alibaba will give OpenSky, Auctiva, Vendio and SingleFeed in exchange for about a 37% stake in OpenSky. Compared with Alibaba's Chinese online shopping websites, 11main...
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Sergey Golubev, 1 July 2015, 12:11 #Alibaba
Euro area finance ministers decided to take up Greece’s new aid bid for the second time at 15:30 p.m. Brussels time Wednesday after Greece's request for a second bailout was dismissed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel...
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News, 1 July 2015, 11:22 #IMF, stocks, ECB
Greece has requested a new two-year bailout program from its European partners as the country approached a default hours away...
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News, 30 June 2015, 16:31 #Nasdaq, Dow Jones, S&P 500
Almost all institutions expressed their position on if it would be a default if Greece misses its $1.7 billion payment to the International Monetary Fund on Tuesday, except for one key player. On Monday its spokesman declined to comment on what stance the institution would take...
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News, 30 June 2015, 10:24 #Troika, Mario Draghi, ECB
The starting week will bring more worries in the market, as Greece and its creditors failed to break down the impasse...
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News, 29 June 2015, 16:53 #economic calendar, IMF
President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has made a notable intervention into the Greek impasse in what looks like desperate, last-gasp bid to prevent the country ploughing out of the eurozone, says the Guardian...
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News, 29 June 2015, 14:59 #Troika, ECB
After a dramatic weekend in the Greek debt crisis, the European Central Bank on Sunday decided to freeze its emergency lending lifeline to the country’s banks, significantly raising the risk of bank holidays and capital controls as soon as Monday, according to analysts...
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[Deleted], 28 June 2015, 19:22
The REFERENDUM for the BAILOUT: Greece Parliament members held an emergency hearing for the proposed referendum, the Government in Athens...
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[Deleted], 28 June 2015, 18:59