Indonesian Member - page 76

Martinus Hendra:
bullshit for talk just wanna be for yours more expert and popular as seller

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  1. Please be polite when communicating on this website. Refrain from statements that may offend or insult other users.
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Hi could you put a lilbit explanation on chartist /ex4 that you were posted? so than the others understand your meaning. thanks;)

Biantoro Kunarto:

Pak, hati hati pak di forum ini ada aturannya

betul, trading itu sebenernya sudah susah lho, yuk lebih baik kita saling meringankan, minimal saling menghibur :)

Yohana Parmi:

betul, trading itu sebenernya sudah susah lho, yuk lebih baik kita saling meringankan, minimal saling menghibur :)

Sip bu :) 
Yohana Parmi:

betul, trading itu sebenernya sudah susah lho, yuk lebih baik kita saling meringankan, minimal saling menghibur :)

sambil ngopi depo :) paste WD
Achmad Wijaya:
sambil ngopi depo :) paste WD

hehe... iya mas :))


siapa tahu nti malem ada "black Friday" :)

Yohana Parmi:

siapa tahu nti malem ada "black Friday" :)

haha, semoga bu. . Udah lama gak dapet trending yang hot nich ampir 2 bulan sejak french election

Good performan ,,Advanced StepRSI_v2.2 & alerts & mtf & arrows... indi ini saya setting dan saya rubah Arrow dot dengan Histogram.....