Indonesian Member - page 349


Om Fajar sudah muncul...

Apakah ada temen2 yang lokasinya di Bekasi, mungkin bisa Copdar ngopi2 sambi silaturahmi.....?

bekasi nya mana,om?

Minta EA yang terbaru omm.....
ada yang pengalaman dengan EA ex5 ?
saya lagi belajar coding bikin EA sederhana mq5, setelah compile saya copy hanya ex5 ke pc lain. tidak mau bekerja, tapi klo saya copy mq5 dan saya compile di pc lain, mau bekerja
ada yang tau penyebabnya?

OK ... can I see templates from your Real strategy creations now? Thank you in advance

Sorry Sir for the delay in responding to your above post because i have been out of town but i have seen your post on my mobile. 

Please have a look into below attached screenshot of my trading machine, History bars are looks beautiful as always,its like a teacher and current price action bar is like a Police.(bit Scary) hehehhe :-)

Trading machine
RimJim :

Sorry Sir for the delay in responding to your above post because i have been out of town but i have seen your post on my mobile. 

Please have a look into below attached screenshot of my trading machine, History bars are looks beautiful as always,its like a teacher and current price action bar is like a Police.(bit Scary) hehehhe :-)

Ok thank you .... hopefully this system can make you comfortable and confident in trading ... what we are looking for must be simple and accurate ... not complex and confusing that can make us tired of analyzing market .... he he

Happy Milionaire


Ok thank you .... hopefully this system can make you comfortable and confident in trading ... what we are looking for must be simple and accurate ... not complex and confusing that can make us tired of analyzing market .... he he

Happy Milionaire

Thank you Sir for your kind Suggestion and your word " Happy Millionaire " <<<= i will take it as your Dhuha :-)

RimJim :

Thank you Sir for your kind Suggestion and your word " Happy Millionaire " <<<= i will take it as your Dhuha :-)

Yup ... and be patient with the rules ... :-)

Umar Ismail :
ada yang berfoto dengan EA ex5?
saya lagi belajar coding bikin EA sederhana mq5, setelah compile saya copy hanya ex5 ke pc lain. tidak mau bekerja, tapi klo saya salin mq5 dan saya compile di pc lain, mau bekerja
ada yang tau penyebabnya?

itu namanya perlindungan produk .... di mql 5 semua produk  comersial hanya ex.file ... beli dan dikirim dan diterima serta digunakan di sistem penerimanya saja... tidak bisa dicopy dan digunakan ditempat lain hehe


Yup ... and be patient with the rules ... :-)

Sure Sir, Thank you ☺️

itu namanya perlindungan produk .... di mql 5 semua produk  comersial hanya ex.file ... beli dan dikirim dan diterima serta digunakan di sistem penerimanya saja... tidak bisa dicopy dan digunakan ditempat lain hehe

itu saya buat sendiri
bukan beli atau copy dari market
ternyata hanya masalah metaeditor yang saya pake versi terbaru
dan saya jalankan di metatrader versi lama
setelah saya compile di metatrader versi lama
dan saya pake di metatrader versi baru mau jalan

:D :D :D :D
