Price, BRENT Oil (BRENT), (WTI)


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Overview - WTI crude oil futures,



I think it will collapse after the Biden-Putin summit


I think it will collapse after the Biden-Putin summit

Logical reasoning. Let's just wait for a little bit of the outcome of the negotiations.

Well as long as the trend is up )) everything is clear .
Deniiis777 Fedyashin:
In the meantime, the trend is up )) everything is clear .

The stopping point for the rise in my view is seen at 76.60.



Anyone have a prediction for today on the movement of black gold?

Deniiis777 Fedyashin:


Anyone have a prediction for today on the movement of black gold?

There is a current probability of 74.40 stopping and 76.50 is pretty tough, well I don't know yet.


At this point in time the price is 74.35 and will it go up?


Hi all, where will Brand oil go today looks like down to me. Can anyone make a prediction?

There are two possibilities, either the price will go down or up, there is no other
Vladimir Baskakov:
There are two options here, either the price will go down or up, there is no other

I understand that, )) but there are guys here who know where things will go.