From theory to practice - page 1520

Олег avtomat:

the task there is different

and such "clever people" themselves don't understand what we're talking about, what the task is, so they mislead others

All right, all right. Good for you. You've done your job.

Next time, please either post your pictures on the radio electronics forum)

Or with the words how to extract profit from this picture with reference to the market.

And not with words - those who need them will understand.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Theoretically, a zigzag point has formed (not the current one, but the previous one), everything to the left of this point does not matter...

Judging by the tests, it does.

But again, not a grail. There is no stability.

The system is exactly equipped with far points of zigzags.

On the real it is bad.

q4q6h03.PNG  36 kb

All right, all right. Well done. You've done your job of draining the accounts.

Next time, please either post your pictures on the radio electronics forum.)

Or with the words how to extract profit from this picture with reference to the market.

And not with words - who needs to understand.

You're handing out quotas here, boy? Get under the bench!

Олег avtomat:

Are you handing out quotas here, boy? Get under the bench!

Yeah, I don't think so.)

Yesterday we were out in the woods picking mushrooms. Especially for the speculator, I put the robot on a demo. As you can see the robot can easily work without a person in profit. There were no optimizations made with the robot. It is a neural network. It has no training. It does not need optimization.
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Uladzimir Izerski:
Yesterday we were out in the woods picking mushrooms. Especially for the speculator, I put the robot on a demo. As you can see the robot can easily work without a person in profit. There were no optimizations made with the robot. It is a neural network. It has no training. It does not need optimization.
Did you buy it or download it here?
Renat Akhtyamov:
Did you buy it or download it?
I made it myself.
Uladzimir Izerski:
He riveted it himself.

well done

tell me later - how he sees trends

Renat Akhtyamov:

well done

let me know how he sees trends later

The robot works with Izerskogo waves))) The waves are the key to understanding the market.
My algorithm recognizes the beginning of the wave better than any of the existing programs. If anyone is interested, study this TS, maybe someone will find an example to follow. The beauty is not induced, for lack of time. A few minutes have passed.
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Why is the signal disabled? Is the grail all? resting in the same place as Renate's Furmule? Can we close this topic?