From theory to practice - page 87

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

you should first get into the fact that it shows a distribution and gives a theoretical evaluation of the distribution and conclusions with practical examples

Maxim, you can not even imagine that some people may have got to the point that you and he is interested and is the subject of study, have already smoked for a long time and are simply observing

//as for the NS, arbitrage - the same thing

Renat Akhtyamov:

Maxim, you can't even imagine that some might have gotten to the point that you and he is interested and is the subject of study, already smoked a long time ago and are just watching

//as for the NS, arbitration - the same thing

So that my posts are not censored, I will simply stop replying, just as the author did (and rightly so)

for what's the point of throwing beads in front of long-term smokers

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The problem is that there are too many losers like you and Oleg who go too far... the whole topic with their control theory and other nonsense that has nothing to do with the market )

Have you already figured out what an approximation is? And do you not confuse extrapolation with interpolation?

If so, my advice has served you well.

You still have a lot to learn about what is relevant to the market and what is not.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

So that my posts are not censored, I will simply stop replying, just as the author did (and rightly so)

because there's no point in throwing beads.

Well you're right there.

The author didn't write further, as he most likely failed the first time he applied the theory to the real market.

Is it unusual with so little knowledge? That's the norm for a beginner!

He ignored my posts (either didn't understand anything at all, or was in a hurry to go to the market), and in vain...
Олег avtomat:

Have you figured out what approximation means? Are you already confusing extrapolation with interpolation?

If so, then you've been well advised by me.

You still have a lot to learn about what's relevant to the market and what's not.

Your whole point is to twist what I wrote... and what you didn't know specifically on the subject. The question was very specific and no one could answer it, convincing me otherwise. It's just revealing that no one in the MoD has a clue at the application level either, let alone effectiveness.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

for what's the point of throwing beads

I take it that's also meant for me, and the phrase is not finished. Yes?

Let's keep our heads down, especially when we give the author the credit for proving that the market has a memory.

And maybe you do not need to prove it, and maybe read a book on econometrics or at least on TA instead of paraphrasing Newton's laws. Somebody's Binom Newton with the underground moniker of K1, K2, K3....

Maybe just take the ACF? As I understand it, so do you? Or maybe try to take it up another notch and find literature and practical results about memory in markets after shocks?

Then you won't be thinking about pigs on the forum. You'll get down to business instead of supporting flounders on this forum.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I take it that this is also addressed to me, and the phrase is not finished. Yes?

Let's keep our heads down, especially when we credit the author with proving that the market has a memory.

And maybe you do not need to prove it, and maybe read a book on econometrics or at least on TA instead of paraphrasing Newton's laws. Somebody's Binom Newton with the underground moniker of K1, K2, K3....

Maybe just take the ACF? As I understand it, so do you? Or maybe try to go one step further and find literature and practical results about memory in markets after shocks?

Then you won't be thinking about pigs on the forum. You'll get down to business instead of supporting flounders on this forum.

I haven't written anything about you, you have an econometric approach and you're from our camp :D

I insist that it does not matter what words to describe the patterns, the main thing that they have been found and described ... whether through Newton or ACF. The main thing is not to criticize the author, if he hasn't got any understanding of what he's come to, since he hasn't got any experience in Forex.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I didn't write anything about you, you have an econometric approach and you are from our camp :D

I insist that it does not matter what words to describe the patterns, the main thing that they are found and described ... whether through Newton or ACF. And I insist that don't go after the author if you don't understand what he's getting at

You are again confused by the problems of understanding...

Олег avtomat:

you are again confused by problems of understanding...

No, I understand everything on a fundamental abstract level. And how to translate this into a particular mathematical concept is a second matter.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

No, it all makes sense to me on a fundamental, abstract level. And how to translate this into a mathematical concept is a second matter.

I have seen your arbitrage.

The conclusion there is simple - the connection through the yen and it is easier to trade only the yen.

Well and the second answer is yet to be found - why is this the case?

Third, the real will be the total spread for all the pairs, you may understand my conclusion.