From theory to practice - page 83


Gentlemen students!

While I am busy solving the most serious equation of price movement, which you obviously cannot do, check out this algorithm:

But look at the distribution of OPEN increments, not tick increments. I think there's something there. А?

And on Open H1 increments the feeling that there is something even stronger.

Nikolay Demko:

What a shame, you couldn't put a separator; or at least ..,


how do you graph a single column now?

I'll have to write a parser, replace all the spaces with a normal delimiter.

No problem, I'll add a separator now :)

Nikolay Demko:

What a shame, you couldn't put a separator; or at least ..,


how do you graph a single column now?

I'll have to write a parser to replace all the spaces with a normal delimiter.

I added a delimiter ;

Files:  14 kb
Alexander_K2 66 trades. Total profit for the month +470 pips. But that's without taking into account the spread and commissions.
Well, including the costs, that's about zero.
What's there to check, your average trade is 7 pips and the minimum spread on EURUSD is about that much.


I am not writing for you, my dear. You need 30 years of study to speak to me in that tone of voice.

"f... f... f... no one's ever talked to me like that before.")


That's what I'm afraid of. I should check it out, but I don't have time. Busy. I'm hoping for an enthusiast.

From theory to practice

it looks like there won't be any practice ((

Flushing slowly down the toilet?


Here I have to answer the question myself.

Yes, I checked the EURUSD for the month of November.

I got a total of 66 trades, 45 of which were positive and 21 were negative.

Total profit +470 pips. However, I'm not taking into consideration spread and commissions. I have just calculated it in Excel.

So, is physics still strong or not?

If someone takes advantage of it - I'm not sorry, I'm here because of the principle, not for the money.

Mr. Newbie, now calculate with the spread and get a loss)

Yes, we've done the math... Aren't there any brokerage companies with minimal spread? For example 2 pips?

There are even some with zero spread, but they will have a commission.

So either STP with a spread, or ECN with a minimum spread (even zero at the moment) and a commission.

For example in MetaDriver we got a brokerage company that allows us to place a Limit order inside the spread and we will lower the market makers by taking away their spread.

We started to think that we are going to lower the market makers and take away their spread. It turned out that brokerage companies actually match limiters inside the brokerage company and they are printed outside as market marts. And there was not enough internal liquidity to let both buy and sell limits at the same time.

And besides the leverage was larger than the difference between the limits inside the spread. In short, bummer.

Yes, we did... Isn't there a brokerage house with minimal spread? For example 2 pips?

If there was a DTZ with zero spread - I'd have made all the money in the world by now. )))

Максим Дмитриев:

if there was a dc with zero sperd - i would have made all the money in the world by now. )))

All that's left is to find a DC where all the money in the world is concentrated.))