Market theory - page 163


Greetings Yusuf, happy birthday - I wish you good health, long life and prosperity to your family.


Server Muradasilov:
Please delete your post before Yusuf does not see it. If you do not understand why, I will explain in private)
Alexander Ivanov:

4.1 The User undertakes not to post on the website and not to send anywhere via/through the website any materials of the following nature:

  1. that violate the law, contain threats and insults, discredit other persons, violate the rights of citizens to privacy or public order, which are obscene, insulting, violate the common rules of good manners;
  2. Violating to a greater or lesser extent the honour and dignity, business reputation, rights and legally protected interests of others
  3. that promote or contain incitement to religious, racial or ethnic hatred, attempt to incite hatred or call for violence;
Yusuf and I also talked about Ravshan and Jamshud, and he was not offended. And I don't understand how you can be offended by such very kind and naive people.) Yusuf is only happy for Jamshud and Ravshan. This does not elevate him or elevate him in any way.
the message is clear in this regard (about jamshuds...)
If there were Djamshut and Ravshan from our village or the republic of Yakutia, we would be proud of such respectable people. :))
Server Muradasilov:

You were asked and you follow an incomprehensible principle. And the others? You think the five of us read this thread?))

You should ask nicely, but you do not have to drop to your knees and beg.

Okay, got it.
DearYousufkhodja Sultonov, what formula is used to calculate S and Y parameters? Are these formulas present here I'm still trying to understand how the columns in the Excel files are calculated (so far I'm stuck with column D-C1)), which you've posted. I have to wait a long time for the release of the article, or rather an unknown amount, and I'd like to do the calculation myself and now. Thank you for your patience.
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
  • 2011.02.07
  • Yousufkhodja Sultonov
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.
The formulas are statistical.
Alexander Ivanov:
The formulas are statistical.
I assume statistical) . take the 20 previous values of the actual Open prices and do something with them, we get a price C1, which is equal to the Open price (21 ordinal number). How? What is the formula(s)? And then up to number 29 the Open price is the same as the calculated price C1)