Is it possible to cheat forex. - page 20

Well, it was fun anyway.)
Half a branch here can be copied into the annals ))))
That's not what I expected from you. You're a provocateur. Bender's.

Shhhh, not so zealous, I personally see at least six clues as to how to get you.

But as a newbie, I'll give you a chance to figure it out for yourself.

Answer the question: how do the words "provocateur" and "bender" help you discuss the topic of this thread?

A thread on the minelayer called How to "love" destiny

Indeed, we need to end this farce, and to break another myth that it is possible to do it all the time (although everyone knows about it :)

Our esteemed writer has simply raised a little money (or is just about to) from the difference in the arrival of quotes from different brokers (on the news, 3 seconds).

We think that this is almost impossible - because when you withdraw profit broker (at which quotes lag behind the contract will show black and white writing - that in the news these transactions do not count) plus the inconceivable requotes (not to close the order, not to open)

PS. If you want to make money on it you have to have a high-frequency robot with a good broker (plus a very big pile of equipment, starting with optical fibers, etc., etc.)

Depends on what broker

Shhhh, not so zealously, I personally see at least six clues as to how to get you off.

But as a newbie, I'll give you a chance to figure it out for yourself.

Answer the question: how do the words "provocateur" and "bender" help you discuss the topic of the thread?

Ryg's titotrolls - don't feed them.

It depends on the broker.

Brokers that count don't have such delays, so it's either/or.

No one will work at a loss.


The brokers that count do not have such delays, so it's either/or, as they say.

No one will work at a loss.

I know of one.
I know someone like that.
Shh :)
I do not expect anything else from you. You're a procrastinator. BENDER.

4.1. The User undertakes not to post on the website and not to send anywhere via/through the website any materials of the following nature:

  1. that violate the law, contain threats and insults, discredit others, violate the rights of citizens to privacy or public order, that are obscene, insulting, violate the generally accepted rules of good manners;
  2. Violating to a greater or lesser extent the honour and dignity, business reputation, rights and legally protected interests of others
  3. Materials promoting or containing incitement to religious, racial or inter-ethnic discord, containing attempts to incite hatred or calls to violence
  4. other materials that encourage others to engage in unlawful conduct that entails criminal, civil or other liability or in any way violates the provisions of applicable law.

Dear Sir, this is the last time I will warn you.

Shh :)
why ?