FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 756


if you're driving a Caddy =)


trade today on the pound.


trade today on the pound.

Why didn't you buy it?


Why didn't you buy it?

No reason yet...
There's no occasion yet...

What do you mean there's no excuse?)))

no reason yet...
So he's expecting another fall even deeper one ...Am I reading this right?

Why didn't you buy it?

You should have bought from 1.50 and now the train has left )))))

it's funny how you found the hidden meaning in 70 pips )))))))))))))) (what a guru! - take it and hang it up!) - I mean icon)

So he's expecting another fall ...even deeper ...Am I reading this right?
One has washed up and the other hasn't yet - that's my understanding.

Should have bought from 1.50 and now the train has left )))))

it's funny how you found the hidden meaning in 70 pips )))))))))))))) (what a guru! - take it and hang it up!)) - I mean icon.)

I knew you would come, Guru.

Why does Yurchenko say he does not know you?


I knew you would come, Master.

Why does Yurchenko say he doesn't know you?

Don't be distracted by me - Keep on broadcasting! (I'll read humbly, sorry I couldn't resist - let it be the last time)