FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 757

Don't get distracted by me. Keep broadcasting! (I'll read it modestly, sorry I jumped out - let it be the last time)

Sensei, I'm keeping your pound forecast.)

I don't know what to do with it though, maybe print it out on toilet paper...


Sensei, I am keeping your prediction on the pound)

Oh Great!!! Guru!!! why are you making such a fuss? (You just have to wait a little longer - and your enemy will float by...)

Sensei, I am keeping your prediction on the pound)

I don't know what to do with it though, maybe print it out on toilet paper...

Huh? Father! You're eating and pooping, too (((( (and we thought you were the Holy Ghost already)
Huh? Father! You're also eating and pooping (((( (and we thought you were the Holy Ghost)
and sometimes I drink and smoke.)
and i drink and smoke occasionally))))

go check if your partner's burned? )))

(doppelgänger) do you want one? (i'm about to sell and drop again)))) the pound is yours)))))


go check if your partner's burned? )))

(doppelgänger) do you want one? (about to sell and drop again)))) the pound is yours)))))

did it go up ?

go check if your partner's burned? )))

(doppelgänger) do you want one? (about to sell and drop again)))) the pound is yours)))))

Yes you can sell up to 57, I'll be only glad)))) Go to MT5, there are a lot of woodpeckers like that there))))
did he grow?
Well, if five figures aren't growing, no)
Well, if five figures is not a rise, then no)
not a pullback it's clear. i was buying it myself.
did it grow?
people have seen it! i have doubts that they are not globalists at all, but flea-bitten like us )))))))))))). Happy Defender's Day to all!!!