FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1441

no need to pipsqueak...
'n that's how I put it (trading new, untested TS)

I'll be a pound-breather now...


and I remain a euro-salesman...

audit also

and I remain a euro-salesman...

If it were the other way round, that would be fine!
no one is predicting anything...(((.

2 days no one ...

I see such a setback.

Thanks !

they moved the topic).

Yeah, they took it out of the pinned ones.

no one is predicting anything...(((.

2 days no one ...

I see such a setback.

Thanks !
Tuma, a pullback below the loos is already a reversal....
Tuma, a pullback below the lows is already a reversal....

Renchik , sweetheart )

1.1030 you predicted last week ...
There will be a profusion there, but after a pullback.

This is not a reversal :-)

thanks !

Renchik, sweetheart.)

1.1030 you predicted last week ...
There will be a prowl there, but after a pullback.

It's not a reversal :-)

At 1.1030 I think it will arrive. But in a week, hardly earlier. Although... the last deal closed at the end of the weekly session, and closed in a good minus((( I am in grief.