FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 280

Am I the only one who bought nzdusd?
Am I the only one who bought it?
You're the only one.)
You're the only one)
The real patsons are selling euray ))))
Real patsons are trading evrai))))

Your eura has gone up 35 farts since yesterday, and the chif has only run 135. I'm not a real patsy))))

Did you see Teach being called a kid, what's the world coming to?

it (the eu) is running like a rail at 1.1579 and 1.1564((

You're not real patsons. You are platypuses! That's what the Master said, so that's how it is.



Your eura has gone up 35 farts since yesterday, and the chif only ran 135. I'm not a real patsy))))

Did you see Teach being called a kid, what's the world coming to?

Patsan doesn't call the teacher a patsan.) It was a platypus.)
No// all the cool kids here! )
Bicus, the Audi is more promising than the Kiwi.

You're not real patsons. You are platypuses! That's what the Master said, so that's how it is.

