FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1445

Let's go the opposite way. Suppose Puppet plays "on the side" of the traders?
Yeah, and everybody's happy.)
Let's go the opposite way. Suppose Kool playson the side of the traders?
We have to stand on the side of Kool against all traders. (Although there are a lot of nuances there - well, you just can't get a chart if you always move against the crowd)

For those who trade on the real...

I recommend looking at USDTRY on the short side.

It's beautiful. Full respect.
well, gentlemen euro-worshipers, shall we begin the flight? //They've been sucking the brains out for days now.
More likely to suck their brains out. Tomorrow GDP on the pound, the day after tomorrow the USD rate. That's when we'll fly.

For those who trade on the real...

I recommend looking at USDTRY on the short side.

North, please show me the screenshot of the supports and resistances of the EUR on M15? //I want to compare...
You have to stand on the side of the kool against all traders. (Although there are a lot of nuances there - well, you just can't get a chart if you move against the crowd all the time)
And we have nothing else to do. We can only follow the Puppeteers and calculate their moves (read their scripts) ))
The eu is drawing an expanding pattern. Might hit something.

Is it just me or is this magic pair not haggling ? I thought they were giving away money)

There is nothing else for us to do. Only to follow the Puppeteers and calculate their moves (read the scripts) ))
I can tell you the truth - you will not get anything (((( (well, except for arbitrageurs, pipsers and frequency dividers - the main thing there is to load the MM)

Is it just me or is this magic pair not haggling ? I thought they were giving away money)

also not available to trade, spread is wider than screen)