FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 136

Even so...
Thank you !
yep, the process is underway. but the price is...
угу, процесс идет. тока цена стоит...

Yup, the process is going on... but the price stands...
The price does not always stop on weekends, at the bank level it sometimes moves, it used to do so quite often, now very rarely but nevertheless) don't take it for an idiot :)

well... who's buying? question - question - question...

a friend who hasn't seen him since the first of january... cognac, he went to get a new one... life is beautiful...

remembered all those who had and didn't have...


Well... who's buying? The question is...

a friend who hasn't seen him since the first of january... cognac, he went to get a new one... life is beautiful...

remembered all those who had and didn't have...

looking forward to the end of monday. maybe a show on the subject.... either the quid index will collapse and oil will go up or the ruble will go up.
is this a joke ? or will they really wait for 0 ???
It seems to me that the big guys don't make rash moves.... or at the opening of the market will they buy eurochka ?
or what ?

Thanks !

I think from the opening I am going further up.

Why are you with your reversals, I look at it as a correction, the euro and the pound, the euro 1.20-22, maybe 27, the pound is still 55-56 realistic.

Lieutenant Colonel on 4 kiwi sales are happy, from what sales there dunno.

Aydler, I do not give a shit who's there and where there is something that is not traded, I see that the pound and the euro bought off and I'm with them.

I see the pound and the eurbs, and I am with them. Thank you)))


Here is the man who gave his point of view and I absolutely agree with it

You open a trade for a couple of figures and already shouting - fuck you, it's not a pivot))))

EURUSD. Опционные уровни на 12.01.2015.
EURUSD. Опционные уровни на 12.01.2015.
  • 2015.01.11
  • Vladimir Streltsov
По всем текущим опционным контрактам равновесная цена 1,2171, область смешения интересов держателей call и put опционов 1,3501 - 1,1832. Объем call опционов на уровне 1,3501 равен 125057, объем put...

I think from the opening I am going further up.

Why are you with your reversals, I look at it as a correction, the euro and the pound, the euro 1.20-22, maybe 27, the pound is still 55-56 realistic.

Lieutenant Colonel on 4 kiwi sales are happy, from what sales there dunno.

Idler, I do not give a shit who is there and where something is held that is not traded, I see that the pound and the eura are bought and I am with them.

I have seen the pound and the eu, and I am with them. You tell me where the canadian is headed, because I remember Ilya was salting it so actively and with hope, but it is not salting, but the level at which it is now standing, interesting of course, if you look at the months...
Tell me where the Canadian is going, because I remember Ilya was salting him so actively and hopefully, and he is not salting, but the level at which he stood now is interesting, of course, if you look at the months
Well, yes. If it breaks through, it will go far up. I do not know what will go where, that is why I trade what I see, a figure, two, three, seldom more)
Well, yes. If it breaks through, it's way up. I don't know where it will go, that's why I trade what I see, a figure, two, three, rarely more).
I do not know why it is tied to oil, unless Canada is addicted to it as well as Russia.