FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1285


How about a 4400?

If it's 44 will you buy some more or are you stressed by the so-called "drawdown"?)
If it's 44 will you buy more or does the so-called "drawdown" bother you?)

I'm very stressed by the so-called "drawdown"...


it's the so-called "slump" that really bugs me...

Then smoke bamboo))))
Smoke the bamboo then)))

Come on about the audi, the pound, the euro, or you'll take the rubbish to the hut again))))


the audi is on its way out:

the euras too:


the audi is on its way out:

the euras too:


Wait. don't confuse them. bringing money to them is what you're talking about, and I'm talking about something else - it's when you're offered big bucks to trade (for management in short) and even in a team of traders.

to get rid of them, i say that i'm a "pipsaw" like.... )))) the connection is cut almost immediately)))

I'm not going anywhere, I know what I need.

the audi is on its way out:

the euras too:

aha ))))

So, when they lure you in, ask for a test period on their trade with buy and sell signals for 1-2 instruments, because a serious company will not give you the statement.
You may also borrow money from them for testing purposes, so that you do not bother with transfers for a long time.