FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 127


Have you read it?

Counsellors are a dark forest for me)))

well, she's pretty bogged down in shopping=)

What are those green lines? Lieutenant Colonel's got a eu on the 4 on the ceiling)

Yes, Myth, happy start of the move for you))))


And the pound


Oooh... Tell people where the forest ends...

you don't have to do better than that.

What I didn't expect from artmedia... how its corporate strength drew it in...

So they said - what we were commissioned to do we did, and that's it, the result doesn't matter)

And the pound

No matter what they say, the pound signal has been boiling over on the CME since before yesterday....
No matter what they say, the pound signal on the CME has been boiling since before yesterday....


And yesterday I said buy, guys))))



And yesterday I said buy one, guys)))

yes. there are buyers hanging out at the top. of course we will go there, no one wants anything down there. what is there to do (??????????) - the market is up and does not care about all this news and other stuff....
Yeah. There are buyers at the top. Of course we will go there, no one wants anything down there. What is there to do - the market is up and does not care about all this news and so on.
So, there are no buyers here, the price stands up, sellers fill up little by little, so one thing led to another and correction. And then we'll see, if they support and push, it might be good)
I do not have buyers, the price is up, sellers are fixing little by little, so one thing led to another and corrected.

I'm already in my second day of working on SQL-server and other things. I'm fixing bugs in the software, so I'm not really watching it yet. I've turned off the old software and am not paying attention to it. but it has turned around after I moved it and turned it on too... one harrier's still stuck on his own... I'm not ready yet.

I don't have anything to analyze (there were mistakes), but I still have the slice I just showed you (pound)... This is what is needed in the trade.

I'm still not getting anything from the Kiwi.

Have had some fun and that's enough ))))) Time to go down ))))