FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1095

man=) like me =)
Hello! Any plans to continue cooperating with the signal service? (would like to watch for a longer time...)
Man!!! ;-D
Have you seen the ratio of bulls to bears on mt5? Just for the sake of it, not to lead all that crowd to the bright future, they may arrange a correction to 49-51, but no more than that, they will drop down by the expiration.
Hello! Any plans to continue cooperating with the signal service? (I'd like to watch for a while longer...)

You're an employee.

Why do you want to watch everyone, Sensei, aren't you a saboteur?

Hello! Are there any plans to continue cooperation with the signals service? (I would like to watch it for a longer time...)

there is... but there is also the wish that they would hide the direction... leaving only the floating balance...

let me explain... it's easy to calculate where a trader is standing, which prevents this service from earning more.

also, the leverage will change ... possibly up to 50

man!!! ;-D

the shoulder question is nothing.

let's pretend it's 1k1. it's hilarious, right?

i got 1k2000.....

the bigger the shoulder, the better.

I see the most ideal scenario for me, if today or tomorrow they drop to 46, I would start trading without thinking.

the shoulder question is nothing.

let's pretend it's 1k1. it's hilarious, right?

i got 1k2000.....

the bigger the shoulder, the better.

the bigger the risk.

the shoulder question is nothing.

let's pretend it's 1k1. it's hilarious, right?

i got 1k2000.....

the bigger the shoulder, the better.

i'm 1:300 - ducas won't give more - they're greedy :-D
If they dropped to 46 today or tomorrow, I would start to buy without thinking.
If you're looking at my post... it's pretty clear...