FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1037

now 1.0548.

but why a sell stop at 1.05 ?

48p extra ?

thanks !
euro, euro... the euro kiwi has had 230 farts of 4 digits in a few minutes now....
the eura of salt. 0.8 is rocking.
at 0.98 maybe.

but 0.8..... is a very big bottom.

thanks !

(i think i'll sign up as an observer).
we are so rarely visited by ishim)
philosophical question! you all know about martins (not Cheburashki) and the fact that they grow purposefully and sometimes for a year (one pamm traded for 3 years before losing 5000%), and then a sudden loss - imagine a loss by force majeure. So what is the success of gradual growth of equity? (the main reasons are not even close to averaging, so what is the success? even if it is temporary)
now 1.0548.

but why a sell stop at 1.05 ?

48p extra ?

thanks !
1.05 is the level ! the sell stop is 1.49
philosophical question! you all know about martins (not chaebols) and that they grow purposefully and sometimes for a year (one pamm traded for 3 years before losing 5000%), and then a sharp drain - imagine a drain by force majeure. So what is the success of gradual growth of equity? (the main reasons are not even close to averages, so what is the success?)

ok. good question.

a martin is the germ of a plummer.

The key is to reinvest on a reliable signal and trade a good lot and catch fleas. that is all) start with a minimum deposit that you don't want to be spared.

philosophical question! you all know about martins (not chubbers) and the fact that they grow purposefully and sometimes for a year (one investor traded for 3 years before losing 5000%), and then a sudden loss - imagine a loss by force majeure. So what is the success of gradual growth of equity? (the main reasons are not even close to averages, so where is the success?)
euro, euro... now on the eurokivi in a few minutes 230 farts of 4 digits wasO....
got it ?
or missed ? )))

thank you !
got it ?
Or did you miss it? )))

thanks !
of course i did and i'm still salting... i told you...

Clearly the posts are self-liquidating...

selling the Canadian in time for tomorrow's news:


Clearly the posts are self-liquidating...

selling the Canadian in time for tomorrow's news:

160 more eurokivi farts torqued....
160 more farts on eurokivi....
the rate ran overnight...