FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 70


and also, the next subbuy is in the 5080-5110 zone

I am inclined to go to this zone with a bounce of say 3-5 figures to start with

and maybe this whisker will make it to 1.50

Some people here have doubts


Maybe this little thing will make it to 1.50.

because some people here have doubts.

I'll put it simply =) if anything 4965 will be the next buy

Maybe this little thing will make it to 1.50.

because some people here have doubts.

I have no doubts that this week or next week there will be a bear-body take-off))))


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That's on the calls above 22 yesterday and was pouring in.
I have no doubt that this week or next there will be a bear-body take out))))
If there is a signal ))))
If there is a signal ))))

If you have time to spot it)))

Wise old Idler said we're yelling here(

If you notice it in time)))
It's not hard to spot the signal )))) If it is there, it is too strong and difficult to remove)))) But you have to wait till 4987 - if the program has drawn the level, the price will reach it, otherwise the energy imbalance will occur))) There is no way the Doll can go for it ))))
And actually I'm looking at the pound purely out of altruistic motivation )))) It's my goodwill gesture to those present )))
And actually I'm looking at the pound purely out of altruistic motivation )))) It's my goodwill gesture to those present )))
So am I on the euro)