Interesting and Humour - page 915


Danielle Richard

Danielle Richard lives in Quebec City, Canada. She has received grants from the Quebec government and the Elizabeth Grinshields Foundation on two occasions (Scholarships I and II). The first helped her refine her knowledge of original lithography at Dona Miró's studio in Montreal and the second allowed her to study for a semester abroad "Watercolours in English Landscapes" at Oxford University in the UK. In 1994 she became the youngest artist to be shown in a retrospective at Villa Bagatelle in Quebec City.

Each of her exhibitions have been met with a warm and enthusiastic response from the public. She never stops moving when she realises "when a lot of time has been spent indoors alone with a canvas, those faces, places, and emotions will touch someone somewhere.

Taken from here.


Daniel .... lives.... got it .... helped .... allowed .... became ... met ... she understands, ....from here.

But why?

Their translation, my copy-paste, didn't change anything. Why? They didn't just ask for pictures... :) Of course, if you live in England or in Canada in your villa and see such landscapes every day, it's not interesting. And I personally have such a "landscape" out the window especially in the evening (wine and vodka shop downstairs and two all-night cafes and clubs) - that's just awful. So at least to dream ...


Good morning


... What's the point? ...... to dream...

I'll get that kind of stuff too, for example,Vicente Romero Redondo is a Spanish artist who does a great job on the cis

Canada is an overseas country, come to Primorye... it's winter here, you can explore the natural beauty of your home country


I'll get that kind of stuff too, for example,Vicente Romero Redondo is a Spanish artist who does an excellent job of

Canada is a foreign country, come to Primorye ... It's winter here, you can see the beauty of nature in your own country.

So go and find it... Anything is better than Putin's torso. By the way, in English-language mql5 you'd be banned for showing women's bodies :)

Have they fucked up nature in Primorye yet? Shit...


I'll get that kind of stuff too, for example,Vicente Romero Redondo is a Spanish artist who does an excellent job of

Finally, here come the tits. Respect.
By the way, I think that picture of the lady on the boat will also be asked to be removed from my branch in English mql5 - her pose evokes unseemly associations with yousers :)